
The 10 Best Alison Roman Recipes To Put On Your Kitchen Bucket List

经过 | 2020年4月26日星期日

大家好!自从我为TFD编写任何东西以来已经有一段时间了,但是我在这里!我还活着,好,目前(与其他所有人一样)每天都在家,但是有一个new puppy!Over the past month of being socially isolated, Joe and I have been doing more cooking than we’ve ever done in our lives. I’ve whipped up some of the most truly delicious and flavorful dishes, and the common thread underscoring what I’ve been making is that it comes from the brilliant mind of one Alison Roman. Unless you’ve been living under rock, I’m sure you’ve heard of her already, but it’s only until recently that I’ve spent some quality time flipping through her cookbooks that I got last year, and begun cooking my way through them. I had seen photos all over my Instagram and Twitter before I got the books and was so excited to see what the craze was for myself. Since I already owned both of Roman’s cookbooks —Dining In, 和没有什么花哨,我都准备做饭。

I’ve been an Alison Roman fan ever since her recipe forsalted chocolate chunk shortbread cookies几年前首次出现在《纽约时报》的烹饪区中。在一个月的过程中,我在一个月的过程中开始了大约5次,因为我在不同的朋友团体和家人中旋转了他们,声称“您必须尝试这些!!!!”从那时起,我和成千上万的其他人一起来了艾莉森(Alison)的食物无聊的方法,她的食谱挤满了口味(草药和姜黄鸡以获胜!),以及她散发出的酷炫信心。她让我爱上了保存完好的柠檬和凤尾鱼,这并不是一件小事。在另一项方面,她也有一些serious style, 一种killer cherry red manicure, 和cooks out of a totally normal-looking厨房that feels equal parts attainable and aspirational — something we can all get behind here at TFD. You could say I’m a fan.



This recipe is perfect for when you’re looking for a truly stand-out dessert that makes for an impressive addition to any potluck or celebration, and compliments almost anything else the host is serving. The whipped sour cream is decadent and unexpected, and pairs perfectly with the sweet chocolate texture. My mouth is watering as I type this, and I think I must just have to make a mini version of this for tomorrow’s movie night. It’s heaven, please go and make this now. I’ll wait.





3) Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies

This is perhaps one of my all-time favorite Alison Roman recipes, and it’s always a hit at BBQs or holiday parties, where I inevitably find people milling around the tray claiming “just one more!” The snap on them is addictive as the exterior of the cookie, which is rolled in sugar before baking, provides a really nice texture that you just can’t get out of a regular chocolate chip cookie. Roman herself claims that these cookies far outstrip the traditional chocolate chip cookie, saying:




4) Vinegar and Turmeric Chicken

因此,我承认,当我第一次看到这个食谱时,它并没有使我兴奋。我想,“哦,酷,另一种鸡肉食谱”,考虑了我已经每周四次吃鸡肉,而伊娜·加特登(Ina Garten)的完美烤鸡食谱是国王。那么,为什么我还要其他其他方式煮鸡肉呢?正确的?错误的。姜黄,压碎橄榄和醋的结合产生的风味爆炸令人愉悦,并为我检查了“舒适”食物的所有盒子,但仍然很健康。只是看此照片照亮我的一天。我通常会用大蒜的西兰花和新鲜的面包(乔每周做一些),我很开心。哦,如果您没有在上面的Instagram图片上阅读标题,请让我重申这是2019年全天烹饪的最流行食谱。And, as the recipe notes at the bottom, this dish pairs perfectly with a sharp Italian white wine, and I can confirm that it does, indeed, pair beautifully.


5) The Stew

Ahh, The Stew. So simple, yet so complex. The color of it looks most appealing, and the recipe is easy to customize — I add shredded chicken to mine, spinach some weeks, kale other weeks, etc. etc. I saw this recipe pop up on my Instagram explore feature in early 2019, and I felt like it was haunting me, begging me to take a chance and make it, despite my reservations that it wouldn’t be as good as people said. One caveat is that I think this dish is infinitely better served over buttery white rice, as opposed to eaten on its own, straight out of a bowl. I also firmly believe it requires a dollop of sour cream or greek yogurt + a sprinkling of herbs to hit peak The Stew status. Those toppings aren’t there for show, folks.



图片来源:Michael Graydon和Nikole Herriott。

我一生中的其他任何意大利面菜都比其他任何意大利面菜都做的是另一个超级舒适的食谱。这里玩耍的不同质地和风味在提供一道圆润的菜肴方面做得非常出色,并且是晚餐聚会的完美补充(只要我们可以再次举办)。如果您找不到那些巨大的超大Rigatoni,那么常规尺寸的人会做得很好 - 这就是我使用的。这道菜让我想起了我童年时代吃了很多意大利食物,但是随着添加了花哨的烤面包屑而感到坦率。



When I read this recipe in Nothing Fancy, I kid you not, I walked upstairs 10 minutes later (it was 11:30 AM) and made this dip because I just尝试。我继续坐在那里吃了一杯蘸酱的东西,就像我的那样。second breakfast正如霍比特人所说。对于电影夜零食板来说,这是一件很棒的事情,或者把超级碗的朋友带到朋友之家。


8) Hibiscus Fizz Tea

Rikki Snyder for The New York Times



9) Overnight focaccia, tonight





图片来源:Michael Graydon和Nikole Herriott。

我不知道您是否真的可以称其为食谱,但它是没有什么花哨, 和successfully got me on board with eating anchovies. Joe has been trying to convert me to an anchovy lover for years now, but I always found them repulsive. But, what can I say, something about the way Alison described sitting in Italy, sipping an Aperol spritz, and munching on a plate of these alongside super crispy potato chips made me want to recreate the same experience. And so that’s just what I did in Joe’s parents’ basement (where we’re currently riding out the pandemic), and it was soooooo good.

Since there’s no recipe online, I can tell you that all you’re meant to do is: open a can of anchovies and let them drain, marinate them for at least 10 minutes in 4 thinly sliced chiles (she recommends Calabrain chiles, pepperoncini, or guindilla peppers, + 1 /4 distilled white vinegar, and then eat one over a potato chip. Voila!!!

更新 - 这篇文章上线后,我不得不在这里添加此内容(我写了这篇文章并安排了帖子后就煮熟了),但是此列表中的最后一个条目是我最新的AR食谱痴迷。

BONUS) The Caramelized Shallot Pasta

我的朋友夏洛特(Charlotte)居住在都柏林,他介绍了午餐星期五的葡萄酒味概念,因为在库维德时代,没有规则。好吧,一个人不能空腹喝酒,所以我们决定使用食谱分开烹饪,然后通过FaceTime享用。好吧,轮到我选择了食谱了,我听到了许多关于这种焦糖葱面食食谱的疯狂兴奋的评论。再一次,我无法确定所有大惊小怪都是合理的,所以我选择了它作为葡萄酒星期五午餐和Holy sh*t。这道菜包装了最令人难以置信的味道组合,并产生了一种酱汁食谱,可在天上浓郁,甜和咸的酱汁中涂上每盎司的bucatini意大利面。我的西西里岳父默默地吃了一碗这碗(总是一个好兆头),然后在第二天开始清理剩菜剩饭和晚餐,所以女士们和先生们只是我需要的认可。谢谢,享受。现在去煮。



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