职业与教育/Finding A Job

14 People Suggest Jobs For People With No “Real” Skills

By | 2019年6月13日,星期四


在当今的工作经济中,我们被讨论最多“marketable” skillsone should focus on building in college and during the formative years of their career. Skills like networking, writing, social media, strategy, adaptability, communication, etc. arehighly valued in our workforce。With such a strong emphasis on building a具体的一套技能,很容易理解为什么要上大学和获得学位如此高的价值。yabo88 app而且,数字说明了一切。根据国家教育统计中心它说:“ 2018年秋季预计参加美国大学和大学的学生人数为1,990万,高于2000年秋季1530万学生的入学人数。”yabo88 app当然,有区别硬技能,你不学entirelyin college, but possessing a combination of them usually means you’re prepared to enter the “real world” — you’re fit to work as a cog in the corporate/freelance workforce machine.


I’ve been doing warehouse work, the pay isn’t great, and I hate it. I’m about to start a job at Best Buy doing inventory, hopefully I will be a LITTLE happier doing that (despite the pay cut). I’m socially anxious, awkward, and not a people person, so any customer service or serving job, any of that will send my anxiety through the roof and simply put me in a bad place. I do have a HS degree, but I’ve messed up my grants for college, and I can’t go back to ivy tech. Just really wanting to kind of ask what other types of work are out there.

线程中提出的问题很简单,但是对我而言,它涉及了我们社会认为是什么的更大问题“好”和“坏”工作。我觉得拥有大学学位并不意味着一个人的工作本yabo88 app质上是“好”,而且比其他任何工作都更有价值。而且,仅仅因为一个人可能没有传统的大学学位,这并不意味着他们找不到有意义的工作和可以表现出色的职业道路yabo88 app。有很多在线寻求工作的文章这将有助于任何人制定下一步行动,具体取决于各种因素。对我来说,从隐喻的“底部”开始意味着只有一种方式 - 上升。如果您不是一个人,或者因为您患有焦虑(例如上面的Reddit用户)而在社交情况下做得不好,请研究您可以做些什么来找到适合您需求和生活方式的工作。任何先前存在的技能集都可以扩展到包括使稳定工作成为现实可能性的事物。


1。“首先,您需要找到一个看起来很有希望的新工作领域。然后,您需要研究需求并开始建立自己的技能。”-Vlad Avram

2.“”在建筑领域的工作,目前在芝加哥地区的劳动者,运营商和焊工缺乏巨大的短缺。每天都在八个小时以上的情况下,所有这些都会连续$ 40-50。Edit:旅行者巡线员(电力工程)也赚了$$$美元。而且,如果您聪明而努力工作,则可以在十年左右的时间后离开该领域,进入业务的管理方面。我的一些老板赚了25万美元以上,这些人可能会毕业,也可能没有毕业。建筑界的肮脏小秘密。”-阳光下来

3.“These are other jobs that you can do part-time (and sometimes self-employed) to earn money. If you live near the US East Coast, there are several seasons and different lawn maintenance chores for each one. For example: Summer = mowing lawns, autumn = raking leaves, winter = shoveling driveways. You can go door to door and offer your services as a lawn maintenance guy, or place advertisements on college bulletin boards, in the paper, or online to get work.”-Megan O’Malley

4.“I’ve made a great career in roofing and construction, and it’s definitely a viable career option to consider. In my city, the vast majority of the people in this field are lower level workers (who don’t have traditional job skills). Many are immigrants or poor in English. The majority are not “book smart”/educated, nor do they present themselves that way. The majority have a troubled pass or criminal history. So, the average person sees someone working in the construction field as not “well off” or “educated” and assume they are poor. However, if you are willing to learn numbers, practice excellent communication skills (both written and verbal), and study certs, there is a very easy path to becoming very successful there. Instead of competing within the same pool of jobs with other college grads, you will standout against your peers and eventually shine.”-L1960


6.“老实说,我已经开始键入采取的步骤清单(基本技能清单,确定您的激情,优势,劣势等),但是当我输入时,我意识到最好的答案是真正的答案是与职业教练一起工作。如果您负担不起,请与您当地的SBDC联系(小型企业发展中心), college, or unemployment office. They usually have programs or services that you can use to help build a skills inventory, a résumé, and a personal development plan.”-John P. Benfield

7。“加入学徒!如果您与合适的公司进行正确的交易 - 并且您愿意努力工作 - 您可以赚很多钱。”-Saltyjohnson

8。“In the short term, I’d recommend trying to get apurchasing position。不确定它在百思买是如何运作的,但是它将是更多的钱和简历的建造者。通常,它不需要太多的“人”技能……只是一点点数学。而且,这项工作不仅仅是库存更具吸引力。”-Francisbacon669

9。“You can become certified for appliance repair at just about any community college in only a few months You could get a skilled trade in plumbing, HVAC, etc., For example, you can go fix RVs, where repairers charge $350 per hour. With the Internet and YouTube at your disposal, you can learn about anything fairly easy. Why not turn your hobby, or things you like to do naturally, into a business?”-克洛普斯尼特


11。“If you’re interested in IT, go for认证。You can buy a textbook (or take classes online or watch video tutorials) and teach yourself. These certifications, along with a little bit of work experience, is enough to get you into a Help Desk position. When it comes to IT, all you need is the drive to learn and the ability to learn迅速地。最初的人最流行的是Comptia A+,Network+和Security+。您可以检查很多相关的潜艇。也!/r/ITCareerQuestions/r/comptia。”-斯塔克突击队

12。“您可以成为自由职业者:找出您想在工作的是什么,然后开始学习(一个学位并不是必需的,只需获得非常好at what you think you could love doing. I have some friends that don’t have any degrees, yet they developed their skills in what they love so well, that they worked as freelancers their entire lives. Learn some marketing and personal accounting, find out what is the demand in the area where you live, and “marry” that need with your passion while working to become better and better at it.”-保罗·库尔达(Paul Culda)


14.“很少有人欣赏他们带来的东西的全部范围。开始列出您尽可能多的经验,技能,荣誉和过去的胜利。问问自己:过去的主管和同事对我说什么好事?朋友,导师或教授呢?还有谁认为我很棒 - 为什么?”(仅举几个。)-Jon Carpenter, 从当您没有传统经验时,如何在新领域申请工作

Below are some really good articles about jobs for people with no experience, which will help you navigate the workforce more efficiently if non-traditional work is the path you take.

This post was originally published on June 20, 2016, and has since been updated.

Image viaUnplash



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