

经过 | 2018年2月9日,星期五


让您的财务生活并不总是那么容易。实际上,有时候这是完全的难的。但是,通常,任何金融旅程中最艰难的部分是迈出第一步。当有这么多重要的事情要做的事情感到艰巨而不可能的事情时,很难知道在哪里(和如何)开始。相信我们 - 我们知道看一项艰巨,可怕,成人的任务的感觉,并感觉自己完全陷入困境。TFD团队的每个成员一次或一次发现自己处于某种情况下,这感觉是挖掘出什么是获得完全无法触及的秘密财务技能的唯一方法。这就是对开始的恐惧。这很有意义,为什么人们会害怕在经济上解决他们从未有过的事情。很容易将“新”与“不可能”混淆,并且当您第一次从事金钱的事情时(例如重建损坏的信用评分,自己纳税或开设退休帐户)。当涉及到您的金钱上,“不可能”是一个很难克服的驼峰。您不想搞砸 - 我们比任何人都知道。确保您不会混乱的最佳方法是不要尝试,对吗?

错误的。So, instead of writing off the life you want and allowing yourself to believe that it is fully out of reach because you’re certain that you’re not capable of doing what needs to be done to get you where you want to be financially, you have to give the hard, seemingly-impossible stuff a shot. But we’re here with excellent news: none of it is nearly as difficult as you think it is.

A lot of the more difficult-sounding money moves aren’t half as daunting in practice as they seem when you imagine them in your head or read about them online in a personal finance blog that really just aims to boast how the author reached FIRE by age 27 and tell you to stop buying avocado toast. On the contrary, many super intimidating financial tasks — like doing your taxes, starting a business, or beginning to invest — are actually really manageable when you break them down, and have the right tools. More good news: we have the right tools. In this week’s video on the TFD YouTube channel, Chelsea teamed up withTurbotax分解并脱颖而出四个难以听起来的钱的动作实际上比您想象的要容易得多。如果您准备改变财务生活,但会感到小的关于如何以及从何处开始,请在此处查看:

这篇文章与TurboTax合作带给您。查看Turbotax Live今天开始进行个性化税务援助。




