

经过 | 2020年9月2日,星期三

This article is brought to you by Fidelity.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get your investing questions answered? For one, the internet can be a deeply scary place and哇!Everyone’s got an opinion! (I’m looking at you, Reddit.) And trying to cobble together an investment education via random online articles? Ugh.


Before we dive in, please note that none of the following constitutes personalized investing advice and it for educational and entertainment purposes only. For personalized advice, seek out an investment professional. To invest is to take on risk — please be aware of those risks!




When a retiree is ready to step into their glorious lounge years, they can tap intoboth投资利润来源:股息和利息and通过销售投资,希望有所收获。有些人可能只试图以股票股息收入生活。这也很好,但是需要更大的投资组合,因为股息占股票市场总收益的少数。

I have two investment accounts, one self-directed with smaller amounts for stocks that intrigue me, and one robo-advised with regularly scheduled deposits. Is this an okay approach?

Absolutely! You’re smart to allocate the majority of your portfolio to a diversified approach, as is likely provided by a robo-advisor. And I’m over here quietly fist-pumping ‘bout those regularly scheduled deposits! The best investing is the kind that happens consistently and automatically.

对于您的下一步,我会花一些时间查看您的费用。例如,您在哪里买股票?一些银行收取“交易”或“交易”费用;考虑您购买或出售的每份“套装”股票的$ 5或10美元。其他人没有。$ 5似乎并不多,但是当您是小型投资者时,可能会如此。我们不想花更多的钱超过希望获得的!


With robo services, it all boils down to this: Is this fee worth it, considering you could just buy the index funds for yourself? There is no right or wrong answer, here! Using a robo-advisor is a great way to get your feet wet and it iscertainlybetter than not investing! But the more cost-conscious among us may not be willing to pay for something we can do on our own

在投资世界中,即使是0.5%或1%的费用也可能很多。但是,在“现实世界”中,我们不习惯这一点。您能想象要进行销售,并让所有毛衣享受1%的折扣吗?有史以来最遗憾的销售!在这里,不要将1%视为一件100件派的派。相反,从中减去费用无论您期望赚钱。For example, if you think that your portfolio is going to be up 6% on average, subtract the fee from 6%. For example, 6% minus 1% is 5%. You see,,,,you’re giving up one piece of your six-piece pie!And just as returns compound over time — so do fees.


从开始Broke Millennial Takes on Investing,,,,by Erin Lowry. Lowry is brilliant and cheeky, and this book will get you your sea legs. And given that it’s not written by a crusty old dude,您实际上可能可以享受它!我希望我能把这本书交给每个大学毕业。yabo88 app

我一直以来最喜欢的是一本常识投资的小书,,,,by John Bogle. Bogle popularized the index fund, allowing even small fry like us the ability to participate in the stock market’s riches (without all the profit-smushing fees). He’s got a good sense of humor, too.

有关投资的精彩,免费的在线资源,请退房The Stock SeriesJL Collins。

How much money should you invest if you’re new to investing?

Start with whatever you are comfortable with!

在投资方面,这里有一些好的经验法则:首先,不要投资任何您无法损失的钱。对于大多数人来说,这意味着要确保您拥有一个完全舒适的应急基金diving into the world of investing.

其次,知道波动性 - 市场上的跌倒 - 是投资的一部分。认真地说,这就像剪下脚趾甲并支付账单一样:您可能不喜欢它,但您别无选择。这是生活的事实。如果您想投资,则必须对波动性保持满意。

Last, practice your patience. The stock market does not take your calendar, it does not take my calendar, and it certainly doesn’t give a damn about the Gregorian calendar. We can’t know how long stock returns will take to materialize, but we give ourselves the best chance at success if we stick with it for the long haul. Best to ignore the market’s drama and keep piling money in.


听起来您熟悉税前退休帐户选项。伟大的开始!(The 401k is the most common type of retirement plan through work, but it’s not the only one. For those without a 401k, you may have a 403b, 457, Thrift Savings Plan, or SIMPLE IRA.)

There may be one other super-sneaky place where you can make pre-tax contributions for retirement, and it’s in a little-expected place: your Health Savings Account (HSA).当您使用高扣除健康保险计划时,HSA旨在用作保存医疗费用的补充场所。像401k一样,您绕过了对HSA贡献的任何资金所得税。

Some savvy savers prefer not to use an HSA as it was originally intended — for use on qualifying medical expenses — and instead,投资the money for retirement. Unlike a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), HSA money rolls over from year to year. It’s yours. Some plans even allow you to invest that money, as if it’s a 401k. And like a 401k, it also offers tax-free investment growth.

但是节省税款并没有结束!您还没有就您从HSA中提取的任何钱用于医疗费用(您将有足够的退休费用)支付任何税款。将其与您的401K和传统IRA进行比较,在那里您要在黄金年份征收的金钱所得税。(这就是为什么这些也称为税收 -延期帐户。)

Because of this unique and advantageous tax treatment, HSAs are sometimes called “triple-tax advantaged.”

You may or may not have access to an HSA. You can contact your HR department or your health insurance provider to inquire. And while you consider an HSA, tread cautiously always make sure that you have the health insurance coverage that you need, first and foremost!

如果您正在寻找一种简单的方法来最终开始投资您节省的收益,则应查看Fidelity。在金融服务游戏中有七十年的时间,他们的专家团队将在这里帮助您实现金钱目标。对于我们许多人来说,入门投资似乎令人生畏 - 但实际上只是有一些肌肉的储蓄。Fidelity对投资的无意义方法可以帮助您的资金发展潜力,以便您可以实现短期和长期目标。立即开始以1美元的价格开始。

Image viaUnplash

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