

经过 | 2015年2月25日,星期三

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尽管如此,就像我对签证一样愚蠢,我希望我的信用文盲已经停止了。我希望我可以说这是我无法支付账单的开始和结束。但是回顾过去,我现在认为我从18至22岁的一生都是永恒的臭味。I accrued small debts like you wouldn’t believe — parking tickets, moving violations (which I often didn’t pay, which eventually led to me getting arrested for driving on a suspended license with suspended tags), tiny student loans, and anything else I could be dumb about. I don’t have a degree to speak of, but I have about 8,000 dollars in (subsidized) student loan debt. This is negligible compared to a lot of people I know, but considering I have nothing to show for it, the number still stings. I could have gotten out with nothing, but I was dumb and preferred to take out loans instead of working more hours at my part-time job.

And the thing was, I was never a debter. I am not a shopping addict, I don’t hoard anything, and I was never going bank-to-bank trying to get credit (one card was more than enough). I was just lazy and dumb, and lived in this weird limbo where I deluded myself into believing that my debts would just go away. I pictured a distant future in which I was wealthy enough to pay them off all at once, despite having no degree or real job prospects. (Yes, I now know how ridiculous all of this sounds, and if you’ve never experienced that particular mentality, it’s hard to imagine.) Looking back, I wish I could punch myself in the face, because nothing I ever did felt even briefly worth it — I don’t even have a nice piece of clothing from my extended period of destructive financial YOLO.




2.不良信用使您成为永久的孩子。Nothing is more humbling — no matter what you have accomplished in life — than having to accept your overwhelming financial untrustworthiness in front of authority figures. I’ve had a book on bookshelves across the country while sitting, humiliated, in front of a banker who had to tell me that I was only eligible for the 300 dollar-limit “rehabilitation” credit card, because the bank couldn’t trust me not to run it up and default on my debt again. Paying that measly card on time every month for the past 15 months has been a satisfying and ultimately positive experience, but it certainly stung to accept that it was my fate. I’ve been rejected for several things that I should have been eligible for, once even in line in a crowded Banana Republic (!), and the experience never gets less shitty. But accepting that the world is going to treat you with training wheels and condescension is just part of accepting your crappy credit, and the sooner you get over yourself, the sooner you can work on changing it.


4.谈判,谈判,谈判。Here’s a secret I have learned in my (sadly) extensive experience with debt: Something is always better than nothing. If you can only pay a certain amount, hold firm (but kind) with the person on the phone and explain your situation. Say you want to pay, and give the amount you can realistically commit to (because a lot of times their automated estimates are way, way off), and don’t waver until they meet it. Pretty much without exception, I have done this for my debts, and I’ve always paid once we met the right number. Sometimes it takes a few phone calls, and a bit of time, but once it’s clear to the organization that you are not going to do more, they will take what they can get. They just want to get that money, and they will eventually work with you.

5. Bad credit creates power imbalances in relationships.With parents, with roommates, with significant others. It doesn’t matter if they won’t take advantage of you, or lord something over your head, or decide not to help you. The point is that you don’t have the power, or the choice. I trust all of the people in my life implicitly and endlessly, but having to go to one of them and ask them to sign on a dumb medical thing so I can pay monthly instead of in one giant chunk is not fun, and creates a palpable feeling of inequality.

6.不要在不保存的情况下还清一切。You have to prioritize your debts based on interest rates, your current income, your savings, and your day-to-day life. I have very low-interest student loans for example, so I will not pay the maximum that I could, because I am in the process of saving a comfortable, necessary emergency fund. Once I have six months’ worth of living costs saved and put away, I can and will pay more, but for now — particularly starting my own business — saving is a priority. And I will绝不无论我的情况如何修复您的信贷并偿还债务永远不应以您的人身安全网为代价,也不应削弱您节省的能力。

7. Nothing gets better until you acknowledge it, and own it.I used to be all secretive and squirrely about my terrible history with credit and debt, for a wide variety of reasons: It’s not attractive, it’s embarrassing, we are really hush-hush about money in our society, I thought it would make people judge me professionally, I didn’t want people to think I was a spending addict, etc. But once I accepted the truth about my history, and the things I would need to do to change it, it felt like an incredible weight had been lifted from my day-to-day life. Yeah, I have bad credit. Yeah, I was really bad with debt for a while. No, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but it’s my reality, and only getting worse by my refusal to acknowledge it. Not paying close attention to my finances allowed me, without ever spending that much, to shoot myself in the foot repeatedly and squander any attempts I made to save.


觉得您永远不会省钱成为一个真实的人?Steph Georgopulos也是如此。在其中阅读我为了钱而做的一些事情



