食物/Grocery Tips

9 Creative Ways To Save Money On Food Without Resorting To Instant Noodles

经过 | 2021年1月13日,星期三

I cannot tell you how many times throughout my college years I would respond to shopping invites and dinner dates by gently reminding my friends I was a baller on a budget. When you have limited income, the bare essentials are food, shelter, and gas for your car — but you would be surprised by the您可以削减食品费用通过实施小变化。当然,其中一些只是我想谈的基础知识,因为它们是有效的观点,而不是被忽视。但是,其中一些建议更具创造力。如果您勇敢,破产或迫切厌倦了拉面面条,我挑战您积极考虑我亲自接受测试的鲜为人知的策略。



2. The Silver Rule

Rule No. 2: Fast food is bad food. No…not necessarily the taste. BUT if you are on a budget and have a high dependence on fast food, the outcome will bite you. The cost of buying two or three meals a day will not only drain your wallet, but also leave you full of starchy, carby, sugary foods that you will only be left craving more of.


With the exception of pasta and pizza, not many people love “Day 2” takeout food, let alone, three days out. However, there are ways to spruce up your leftovers outside of simply nuking it in the microwave. One simple trick: re-heating your food over the stove or in the oven, in order to salvage the taste. You can also add fresher sides and toppings to your next-day entree,有了这些简单的黑客,这不仅可以使您的接管变得更好,而且还可以将它们伸出来。

4. Brave, Broke, Or Desperate…

Alright, time to confess the first go-to of mine: Lunchables. Don’t laugh. Those cracker and cheese and turkey/ham packs are cheap and can easily replace a meal on the fly. Better yet, I love the protein packs (you can find them now in the Lunchables section). They have a variety of packs with different flavors of cheese, meat, and nuts. Healthy, fast, and cheap. Even if this is just a snack on the run, at least it isn’t a bag of potato chips and a Coke!

The best part about these little packs is that they keep you pretty full. The higher the protein, the longer your energy lasts. Foods high in carbs and sugars tend to give you a rush and are followed by a crash. Then, your body craves more food to negate your crashing energy levels.


对于任何怀疑我在小预算中的经验的人,我会告诉您一些有关我的背景的信息。在我的一生中,我每周赚了大约60美元的兼职工作。(我在学校时工作,所以我的工作时间有限,工资很少)。谈论预算。我知道我的每一钱都会去哪里,甚至兑现了支票。正是这样的时代,我采用了马铃薯策略。如果您考虑一下,土豆可以独自一人作为一顿饭 - 无论是普通的土豆,您都装满了奶酪和淋上牧场调味料,还是可以撒上红糖和黄油的红薯。无论哪种方式,您都可以轻松购买一大袋,然后在烤箱或微波炉中弹出一顿非常便宜的餐点。



很多冷冻食品是脂肪食物,但不一定是。冷冻食物也可以成为我们的朋友。如果您忙着尝试保持健康的生活方式,那通常是一场挣扎。我并不是说拉面面是一件坏事,但我会告诉你,它们很快就变老了。最重要的是,他们缺乏很多营养,我们可以通过同样便宜的食物选择获得。这就是为什么找到平衡很重要的原因。希望大学生/年轻的成人预算只yabo88 app会是您一生中的一个季节,您可以购买将来想要的所有健康新鲜农产品。在此之前,我们可以妥协。如果您不处于最佳财务状况,那么冷冻水果和蔬菜是一个很好的选择 - 并且有些人一直在发誓!


便宜andhealthy option to compromise is准备进餐。Some people really dislike the idea of “meal prep.” The perception is that only health nuts or workout buffs do it. While it does have its nutritional benefits, it can also really help your budget. Buying in bulk and cooking it all in one sitting saves time and money. If you go to the store and buy a bag of frozen fish (tilapia, mahi mahi, swai), for example, you will pay about as much for that bag of frozen fish as you might a single fast food meal. Go home, cook the fish, season according to your preference, and I guarantee you will have enough protein for the entire week of lunches, and maybe even dinners — depending on how big of an eater you are.

对于一面,我喜欢陪伴我的蛋白质绿色。这是冷冻蔬菜发挥作用的地方。蒸汽蔬菜的蒸汽袋是主食。一个袋子的费用在$ 1- $ 2之间,包含几份。我个人喜欢西兰花或绿豆,但是冰柜部分中有许多冷冻蔬菜。在整整一周的午餐中,您将花费大约15-20美元的蛋白质来源和绿色蔬菜,而每天在快餐午餐上花费的5-10美元。


8. Don’t Restrict Yourself Of Tiny Cheat Treats!

Sometimes we over-snack on things as a result of stress eating, boredom, or simply because it’s in front of our face and we lack self-control. However, if you recently just ate a larger meal, sometimes all you really need is a “taste,” of something sweet or just a nibble of a treat andnot实际的服务。

Perfect example, if you have snacks around your house, and you’re craving something sweet, have a small amount of it (e.g. half a candy bar, two spoons of ice-cream, a few chips vs. a whole bag, etc.) Then walk away and find something else to do. If you give it about five to ten minutes, you’ll notice that not only are you full from the meal you had before, but your tastebuds are satisfied from your tiny, cheat treat, and most likely, your craving has been curbed. While I admit this is a hack best tried if you have self-control, once you do, you’ll notice that for every “junk food craving” you have, you do not need to eat half your pantry away, or buy a pint of ice-cream.

This also works for eating out. Now there are dessert options that come in smaller portions (like brownie and cake shooters), that cost less than the whole slice.

9.切碎 - 家庭风格

如果你们中的任何人都熟悉切碎的on FoodNetwork, you may appreciate this next wacky suggestion. I hate to waste anything. So picture it: I would come home, look in my refrigerator, close it sadly, look in my pantry without success, and go back to the fridge in hopes that I had overlooked something the first time. It stinks when there are no obvious choices for a meal, but some days I would play a little game of Chopped at home — minus the stocked kitchen, judging panel, and three other competitors. The goal was to use what I had without spending a dime. This time, the winning prize would be a full meal made from the random foods or products I found in my little apartment kitchen.



我绝不是专家 - 我只是拥有自己的经验,并以这些方式应对。我希望您能在这件作品(双关语)中找到一些思考的食物,或者至少,我希望您对我的现实生活中的恶作剧感到愉悦。在那里所有破产的女孩:愿您蓬勃发展成鲜艳的未来和储藏式储藏室的妇女。



Image viaUnplash

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