

By | Monday, September 13, 2021


我’ve been fortunate enough to have kept the same group of best friends around for a decade, and we are inseparable. They are my “ride or dies,” the Leslie Knope(s) to my Ann Perkins, the Serena(s) to my Blair (without all of the riches or drama), and I love them dearly.



Here are four life lessons I’ve learned as the only single person in my friend group:


我喜欢我的女孩的东西是,尽管我们有一些相似的兴趣,但我们却非常不同。我们的工作,才华或最喜欢的电视节目并不是唯一使我们与众不同的事情 - 我们二十多岁时也有不同的目标。对于我的一些朋友,实现这些梦想意味着结婚并建立家庭。虽然我希望有一天能做到这一点,但这还不是当务之急。那就是好的


Our financial situations are our own

我am a renter and probably will be for the next couple of years. A few of my friends are homeowners. It’s easy to play the comparison game, and it only took me two decades to realize that this game is always lose-lose. When comparing myself to friends who might have a higher-paying job or the support of two incomes, it’s easy to get down about not having more in the bank. Yet, when I look at my spending habits and savings account compared to my early twenties, I am reminded of how far I’ve come and how quickly I’m growing.



My besties’ relationship milestones are something that I genuinely love to celebrate (seriously, all of their significant others are vital additions to our extended friend group.) Occasionally, despite being okay in singleness, I fall prey to asking myself one very nasty question: “Am I behind?” Thanks to society and the power of a good 90’s rom-com, it’s easy to dig yourself into this hole. The ironic part is that I’m not asking myself this question because I feel I haven’t accomplished personal goals; it’s just because I am surrounded by friends who do different things.

虽然这不是我经常的感觉,但我了解到,当我的思想开始撒谎时,观点的改变至关重要。不,我没有落后于人生,也没有 *喘息 *是世界上唯一的单身人士。实际上,我知道,仅在我的城市,他们的二十多岁和三十多岁就有成千上万的单身人士。而且,如果我的女朋友在我身边,我会有所不同。


My milestones matter too

让我们从一个警告开始:我认为我的朋友们不会打折我的成就 - 我想有时discount my accomplishments. When your friends are literally in the process of creating a human being, it can feel trivial to share that you’ve finally finished your re-read of all seven “Harry Potter” books. Okay, there’s no real comparison between the two things, but it’s okay to feel proud of personal accomplishments.



凯利·汉森(Kailey Hansen)is a communications specialist in the greater Chicago area. She enjoys yoga, reading, and Swiffering her apartment.


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