Budgeting/Shopping Smart

From Peloton To Nespresso: 5 Budget-Friendly Swaps Your Wallet Will Thank You For

By | Monday, June 28, 2021


But the thing is: Companies know we’re willing to spend money to get our life back. Brands likePeloton是第一个依靠它并利用恢复我们健康的紧迫性的人之一,他们知道很多人愿意并且能够在自行车上花费2,000美元(每月13美元以支付数字会员费)。我们努力工作,世界变得越疯狂,我们的健康就越充实self-care industrybecame. The idea was that wedeserveda best-in-class bike for our home gyms. WedeservedBreville浓缩咖啡机或每日星巴克交付。我们deservedweekly facials.

我们确实应该能够在我们的一天中花一些时间来照顾自己 - 但这并不一定是超级昂贵的。以下是一些奢侈品自我保健产品,可以轻松地将其换成更负担得起的东西来在家中创建自己的健康站。

1. peloton

Let’s just start with the name-brand stationary bike that feels more like a cult than a piece of workout equipment. Since gyms were closed down for most of 2020, you probably sought alternatives, like a makeshift home gym. Even if you don’t a lot of space, there are ways to get a full workout with just a mat and some weights. (And they do make space-saving equipment!)

This highly-rated Yosuda stationary bikeis only $280 on Amazon, and it’s compact and pretty light. It doesn’t come with a fancy app or trainer on its screen, but it does have an LCD monitor that tracks your time, speed, distance, and calories burned. And let’s be real: That’s all you really need to get some exercise.

With somehandheld weights like these (only $30), anda yoga mat ($20),您只需要一些免费的YouTube练习视频,这些视频可以指导您如何靶向和增强特定肌肉,以及如何进行全身有氧运动。

实际上,您不需要2,000美元的自行车来采用健康的生活方式。您可以以低于$ 400的价格设置自己的家庭健身房。您可能不参加Peloton俱乐部的一部分,但是您可以对手机或Google Cal提醒保持同样承担责任,而该问责制并不是每月损失13美元。

2. Fancy Caffeine

Turning a once-in-a-while latte into a daily splurge because the caffeine helps you focus (and coffee shop espresso is delicious) is one way to accidentally end up spending a ridiculous amount of money. Same goes for investing in a top-of-the-line espresso machine.

While it’s hard to actually create a dupe for your favorite espresso beverage, there are ways to make your coffee break feel more special. You can buy a$12 milk frother, because hot, foamy milk goes a long, long way. Get yourselfa Starbucks variety pack of syrupsthat cost $20 and last you at least six months. And lastly: Invest in good coffee beans (Bean and Beanis run by a mother-and-daughter duo, the beans are ethically sourced, and they sell some of the best coffee around) and grind them yourself (it’s an extra step, but I swear it really does make coffee taste so much better).This Hamilton grinder is under $20and it does the job nicely.

And to keep that hot coffee hot, get an insulated coffee mug (I likethis Yeti knockoff that’s only $13)。

Also, I’ve found that when I shut my laptop and drink my coffee without blinking at a screen and replying to emails with one hand, I can actually appreciate it and enjoy it more. So, every once in a while, if you can, find a quiet space in your home (or your porch/balcony/outside area) and designate it your coffee break nook.


Spas are back in business, but this shouldn’t mean that you’re booking a facial or massage every week.

If your back is killing you, your problem could be your posture, so investing ina high-quality chairis perhaps step one. Step two is getting yourselfa back support cushion(如果您回到办公室并且无法选择自己的椅子)(这特别有用)。第三步?订购插入式背部按摩器(this one is $40 and pretty heavenly)。它与一个小时的按摩不同,但这是下一个最好的事情。

虽然很难取代好面部,但老实说,我更喜欢应用此事Aztec clay mask($ 8)在干燥和硬化时读书(大约需要30分钟,或者不可能做任何形式的面部表情)。拿一个热毛巾并轻轻擦洗它:您的皮肤将像婴儿的屁股一样柔软和光滑,并且该配方有助于干燥您可能拥有的任何瑕疵。只需确保喝大量的水和保湿,因为粘土确实不是开玩笑。

Lastly? Create some ambiance withan essential oil diffuser, or a really good candle (Amber and Moss by P.F. Candle Co.is so calming, it slows down time).

4. Expensive Blenders

For some reason, we’ve convinced ourselves we need the most expensive blender in order to make a smoothie. This is bullshit. First of all, you’ll get the same product with a more affordable blender. The secret? Thaw out your fruit a little to give those blades a fighting chance. Seriously — stick those frozen bananas and strawberries in the microwave for 10 seconds (they’ll stay cold, but the microwave will soften them up, so they’re not rocks).这个Oster Blenderis only $60, and it’s got a strong motor and it’s easy to use.

5.补充$ Moothie粉末

Overpriced supplemental powders that contain natural ingredients you’ve never heard about in your life are Just. Not. Necessary. There’s no need to Goop-ify your shake because guess what? Fruits, veggies, and milks have all the nutrients you really need. Make yourself the best post-workout shake of your life by just mixing oat milk, natural peanut or almond butter, bananas, dates, and a dash of cinnamon. (Or do whatever the heck you want, it’s your journey.)

Instead, check out our tips on how to create the perfect$ 3冰沙,这里。

Gina Vaynshteyn是住在洛杉矶的编辑和作家。您可以在精炼厂29,公寓疗法,Hellogiggles,分散注意力等方面找到更多的话。如果您想,您可以跟随她Instagram或者推特

Image via Unsplash



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