
Take This Quiz To Find Out The Next Thing You Should Do With Your Money

经过 | 2020年10月14日,星期三

This article is brought to you by Fidelity.

大多数个人理财专家都会告诉您,您需要有一个“原因”才能实现您的资金目标。我们倾向于同意 - 如果您没有激励您的事情,那有什么意义呢?

But often, we have more than one money goal, and there is a definitive hierarchy when it comes to prioritizing what to focus on. For instance, you may know you need to open a retirement account and start investing, but that’s pretty impossible to do if you don’t currently earn enough to cover your basic expenses.





NO, AND I DON’T HAVE DEBT →停在这里。Focus on fleshing out your emergency fund in liquid savings, such as a high-yield online savings account, before focusing on other money goals.



NO →停在这里。我们知道令人痛苦的债务会感觉如何,尤其是在我们目前无法预测的经济格局中,拥有紧急垫子比以往任何时候都重要。在将最低债务付款中的最低债务付款中节省至少一个月的费用(同时,因此您不会减少信用评分)。


我有高利息的债务,例如信用卡债务→停在这里。Consider focusing on your debt payoff before working towards other money goals. If you have a super high interest rate, you may want to consider various approaches to paying off your debt, like applying for abalance transfer cardAPR期间为0%,再融资或合并多个债务。您的可用选择将取决于您的特定情况,例如您的债务金额,收入比率,利率和信用评分。您的目标是制定一个债务收益计划,使您能够努力从债务中摆脱困境,同时也能够朝着其他货币目标努力。阅读有关合并和再融资的更多信息here

我有低利息的债务,例如学生贷款→There are a lot of different schools of thought on how quickly you should pay off your student loans. While some people prefer to pay them off as quickly as possible to relieve themselves from the emotional burden of debt, it may pay off in the long run to put extra money towards investments (alongside your minimum debt payments). Use a student loan calculator to determine whether you’re in the best payoff situation for your circumstances, or whether you should look into refinancing. If you’re happy with your debt payoff plan, proceed to question 4.

I HAVE A MORTGAGE, CAR PAYMENT, OR OTHER INSTALLMENT LOAN →If you’re having trouble making your payments each month, consider looking into your options, like refinancing. If you can currently afford your payments and have extra money left over from each paycheck, proceed to question 4.

I HAVE NO DEBT →继续提出问题4。



NO, BUT I AM CONTRIBUTING SOMETHING EACH MONTH →在解决其他货币目标之前,请考虑将您的每月捐款增加到总收入的15-20%。如果您已经这样做,请继续进行问题5。

NO, I HAVEN’T STARTED INVESTING IN RETIREMENT →停在这里。If you have room in your budget, it’s time to open your retirement account, or start actively investing in the one you already have! Find out more about different types of investments in our videohere



NO →继续问题6。

6.查看您当前的预算 - 您真的不需要或不需要使用什么?


NO →停在这里。Before you can start saving more or working towards other money goals, it’s likely you need to focus on earning more. Now is likely not the best time to negotiate a higher salary, so if that’s the case, look into adding an additional stream of income through freelancing or a side hustle.

7. What is your next most pressing money goal, beyond investing in retirement, paying off debt, and saving for emergencies?

SAVING FOR A MAJOR PURCHASE, LIKE A HOUSE DOWN PAYMENT →考虑您的时间表。您是否可以在未来5年内购买购买?如果是这样,您很可能希望将这笔钱存入高收益储蓄帐户或CD中,而不是投资。而且,如果您想增加每个月的储蓄捐款,请探讨从削减当前预算或增加收入的可行性。如果您为更长的时间表节省了一些东西,那么投资可能是一个不错的选择。我们建议您在采取下一步行动之前与值得信赖的财务顾问交谈 - 祝您好运!

SAVING FOR A SHORT-TERM GOAL, LIKE A VACATION →由于市场的固有风险,您通常不想投资未来几年要花费的任何钱。但是,请确保将储蓄放入高收益储蓄帐户中,因为利率通常比传统银行的利率更好。在选择您的提供商之前,逛逛最佳当前价格。

如果您正在寻找一种简单的方法来最终开始投资您节省的收益,则应查看Fidelity。在金融服务游戏中有七十年的时间,他们的专家团队将在这里帮助您实现金钱目标。对于我们许多人来说,入门投资似乎令人生畏 - 但实际上只是有一些肌肉的储蓄。Fidelity对投资的无意义方法可以帮助您的资金发展潜力,以便您可以实现短期和长期目标。立即开始以1美元的价格开始。

Image viaUnplash


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