职业与教育/Finding A Job/WFH

3 Common Hiring Scams To Watch Out For On Your Search

经过 | 2020年9月28日,星期一

我敢肯定,大多数人都知道,当前的就业市场是一个奇怪而困难的领域。当我今年5月毕业时,我知道在我主修的沟通中找到工作将是一个漫长而困难的过程。这与我毕业并将回到美国(在大流行中)的事实,使我感到悲观和悲观imposter syndrome进入美国就业市场时。这些担忧使我不可避免地成为最近试图进入我的学习领域的毕业生的不可避免的失望。但是,我天真地没有意识到的是在线狩猎空间中发生的骗局和不道德的招聘实践的数量。


在毕业和不可避免的工作搜索之前,我一直在努力在所有可能的工作网站上列出我的简历。这是一件基本和重要的事情,但是没有互联网的所有负面影响。在公开列出您的简历和联系信息时,它打开了要联系的大门任何人- 合法或其他。最初,我对在线公开搜索的技能很乐观,甚至收到了一些真正的查询。但是,不久之后,网络的信誉良好的一面悄悄进入了我的收件箱。

我遇到的“骗局”的第一个例子是一开始就显然怀疑了。我收到了我不认识的号码的短信,声称自己是纽约市一家著名经纪公司的“管理员招聘秘书”。该消息声称他们的人力资源团队已经审查了我的简历,并想安排有关其会计部门翻译职位的采访。像这样的通过文本这样的冷接触会在任何人的脑海中引起警钟,但是鉴于我对工作前景缺乏乐观的态度,我决定继续前进,看看这笔交易是什么。我同意接受采访,并告诉我通过Skype与人力资源协调员联系。这个“人力资源协调员”确实通过Skype使用了该公司的一位高管的名称,可以通过Skype向我联系。当我意识到这一点时,我几乎把笔记本电脑笑了起来。我可能只是进入企业界,但是哪个经纪公司的高管正在处理人力资源招聘?在这一点上,我知道我正在进行真正的喜剧聊天。然后,此人继续提供模糊的职位描述,并向我发送了一封电子邮件,其中包含“雇用合同”。 This email sought information such as previous employers, a copy of a driver’s license or ID, and social security number. This obviously cemented the fact that this is just a phishing scam, and I quickly reported them to the job listing site and the firm they were impersonating.





This one-on-one interview turned out to be a forty-minute Zoom call in which another recruiter presented a PowerPoint about their company structure, and what they were looking for in potential applicants. This presentation initiated some wary feelings in me about this company, especially because it was explained that all employees start out as an “account executive” and work up to communications and marketing positions over time. Following the video call, I was sent another questionnaire, this time with the opportunity toquestions, one of my main questions being, “What exactly is an ‘account executive,’ and what is the starting salary for this position?” A few days later I received a call from an entirely different recruiter who explained that starting out, the position would be in a retail setting selling telecommunication products like cable and internet provider services.

I have no qualms with sales positions, it’s a great skill to have, but my frustration in that moment was with the inaccuracy of the job listing. I then asked the recruiter what employees in that position make, to which he responded that there is a base pay of $250 per month, with the rest of the income to be made via commission from sales. I nearly dropped my phone when I heard this. Not only was the position not what I had applied for, but it also wasn’t guaranteed I’d make enough for it to even be worth my time commuting to it. I gathered my thoughts quickly and told the recruiter “thanks” for his time, but that I was no longer interested in the position. Following this, I noticed a few other positions that turned out to be a similar situation, however, luckily I was able to spot them much earlier, and not waste as much time.

经过这一经历,我从其他人那里听说他们遇到了类似的情况。如果您知道要寻找什么,这些类型的工作清单很容易发现。请注意在其标题中使用陈词滥调的工作清单,例如“入门级机会”或“非常适合最近的毕业生”。除此之外,还要警惕任何声称是具有多重工作职责的营销或传播职位的事物 - 听起来更像是面对面的销售,而不是营销传播。考虑公司的采访方法也很重要。大型缩放“面试”通常可以表明他们的员工流动人数很高,或者有一些理由在找到更多信息后,大多数候选人都不会感兴趣。最后,如果建议将来,这项工作的责任可能是招募新朋友,而这不是特别是人力资源职位,那么这可能不是您认为的机会。有了这些技巧,希望您能避免希望像我在前几次一样真是太好了。


This last example is a bit of a head-scratcher. Sometimes there are jobs or companies that just don’t seem right, and their intentions are not clear. I applied to another marketing communications position with a company branding itself as a marketing and advertising firm. eventually got a response and a Zoom interview was scheduled. I researched this company in preparation for the interview and found their website had many incomplete pages, no listed executives, and an address that when searched, was actually a pet supply store. This all seemed strange and definitely made me put my guard up, but I had already scheduled the interview, so I decided to test it out. When it came time for the interview, I received an email saying I would receive a Zoom invite, which never came. I replied to this email asking if the meeting would still be occurring, and never received another response from this company. I am not sure what the goal of this encounter was, and later this company’s page on the job listing website was deleted. It still confuses me what they were trying to get out of the situation.



无论您是寻求申请会计师事务所的职位,还是在当地零售商店的工作,始终研究您要申请的人,并对您的个人信息保持聪明。如果公司扣留有关自己的信息,请谨慎分享您自己的信息,尤其是如果一切都在线进行的情况。最后,公司的网站和进行自我的方法可以说话。他们的网站专业人士是否有足够的信息和工作顺序?在招募和进行访谈时,它们是否遵循行业标准?提出这些问题是避免浪费时间在其他地方可以花在其他地方的非运动机会的好方法。不要害怕与自己的肠子一起去 - 如果您感觉到某事太好了,那么可能是真实的。

Owen is a recent college graduate, with a main focus and concentration in Mass Communications. She recently graduated earlier this year abroad and moved back to the states in May.

Image viaPexels

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