

经过 | 2020年7月23日,星期四







Now that I’m on more solid financial footing, I’ve also tried to shift my spending toward buying local when possible, shopping from small businesses — especially those that are owned by women or POC, and saying no to a brand or company that doesn’t reflect what I believe in. Once I learned that buying local creates jobs, keeps the money I spend in my neighborhood, and is actually better for the planet, it was a no brainer to shift my spending in this way when at all possible. This means buying coffee beans from the roaster down the street instead of the big box store, dropping in to my local hardware store instead of getting household staples from a big online retailer, and trying to choose local restaurants when I order takeout. I realize this isn’t always possible, especially now that common household items can be harder to get during the Coronavirus pandemic and continued lockdown, but it’s an effort I always feel better for making.


从信用合作社到大型砖砌银行到仅在线存在的机构,还有更多的存储和管理资金的选择。When I opened my first bank account — one that wasn’t tied to my parents’ account, but was all my own — I basically just marched down the street to the closest branch of the large multinational for-profit bank and handed them a wad of cash so I could get checking and savings accounts. I didn’t do any research on the minimum account balance needed to avoid fees, the savings account interest rate, or overdraft protection, let alone what the financial institutions would be doing with my money once I put it in their hands.

Additionally, when I opened a Roth IRA to start saving for retirement, it didn’t occur to me to think about the kinds of funds my retirement money was invested in. For me, understanding the different kinds of accounts and how to begin saving for the future was such a high barrier to clear that I didn’t even know I could also be considering issues like whether I owned stock in fossil fuel companies or tobacco conglomerates.


另外,您可以通过Warby Parker和Blue Apron(例如Warby Parker和Blue Apron)获得额外的现金返还,以使可持续购物更实惠。而且,您可以跟踪自己的可持续性得分,以说明您每天购物和花费的地方对人和星球的影响。

Aspration的支出和储蓄帐户是FDIC的每人248万美元1,他们致力于透明度和可持续性。另外,有了一个志向帐户,您可以赚取最多15倍的储蓄中全国平均利息。2点击这里报名并获得独家$ 100的注册奖金,同时帮助拯救地球。要符合条件,您只需在开设帐户的前60天内花费1000美元即可。


我开始越来越多地考虑的另一个预算类别是有时棘手的慈善捐赠世界。如果您能够做出慈善捐款,尤其是每月反复捐款 - 这是表达您价值观的一种感觉。我总是访问一个网站慈善导航员为了确保我要捐款的非营利组织是合法的,并以我对此感到满意的方式使用其捐款,并且他们有领导和任务我支持。

尽管我能够投入到健康诊所和当地食品储藏室的钱来投资于任何一个组织,但是每月捐款是一种非常有形的方式,可以看到我的价值反映在我的支出中。我坚信安娜·拉佩(Anna Lappe)quote, “Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want,” and giving everyone equal access to reproductive and other essential healthcare and healthy food are two of the things I want to see more of in the world.


多亏了TFD等网站和Google的力量,我现在是一个更加知名和敬业的个人理财战士。当然,没有决定是完美的。Especially in the age of COVID, when supply chains have been stressed or derailed, it can sometimes be hard to get ahold of any specific product (I’m looking at you, bread flour), much less ensure that the company and retailer you’re buying it from are local, ethical, and sustainable. To be sure, this is also a privileged position to be in, both having the financial stability and mental bandwidth to pursue this goal.

但是,我也认识到,这特权带来了确保我的购买,我的银行和储蓄并没有以我什至不知道的方式积极造成伤害。归根结底,这就是我们所能实现的目标 - 尽力负责任地管理我们的资金而不牺牲我们的价值观。



Marisa Bell-Metereau的经验可能无法代表志向客户的经验,也不能保证未来的表现或成功。

Aspration Financial,LLC是挂号的经纪交易商,会员FINRA/SIPC,并且是Aspration Partners,Inc。的子公司(“愿望”)。不应将此沟通解释为要约的报价,要约或购买或出售证券的建议。愿望不提供或提供投资,财务,税收或法律建议。愿望不是银行。免责声明。愿望与任何其他命名实体不同。


2志向保存帐户的年收益率高达1.00%(“ APY”),最高15倍的国家利益是可变的,可能会发生变化,并且只能提供Gressation Plus的客户。APY术语常问问题


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