
4 Steps To Stick To Your Budget & Overcome FOMO For Good

By | Thursday, July 20, 2017

Have you ever felt pressured into spending money just because you didn’t want to miss out on an experience? I’m going to guess that almost everyone answered with a resounding “yes,” and I am right there with you.

Here’s an example…Garth Brooks did a nine-concert stand here in Edmonton, and it was all everyone could talk about for awhile. Am I a Garth Brooks fan? Nope. Did I almost convince myself I should buy tickets to the show just because EVERYONE else was going? Absolutely! But I was talked off the Ticketmaster ledge by my more rationally-minded (AKA more country music-hating) friend. Was everyone currently raving about how incredibly awesome every single show was and posting endless shots to social media? Heck yes. Am I sad I didn’t get to experience it? Not so much.


Fear of missing out is a thing — it has its own acronym (FOMO). Search #FOMO anywhere on social media, and you’ll get inundated with results.RateHubactually completed a study just last year, and discovered some pretty staggering results:

  • 26% of Canadians have experienced FOMO (and that jumps to 48% when you focus just on millennials)
  • 加拿大人中有70%认为25%的债务是因为FOMO
  • 在社交媒体上,有50%的千禧一代在




It’s not just about money, either. People (myself included) are hooked on social media and being up-to-date on all the latest news. FOMO can lead to unrealistic expectations of what your life should be. Everyone knows that no one’s life is as perfect or exciting as it seems to be on Instagram, and yet we still compare ourselves to all those edited posts of other people’s daily lives. Just take a gander at your own posts — is it an authentic portrayal of how you live or what you do? Or is it more likely a recap of the highlights with none of the lows? I have no problem with people posting those pictures, but I just have to remind myself that everyone is in the same boat and only lets you see what they want you to see…so stop comparing!

How to overcome FOMO

Turning off your fear of missing out and keeping your focus inwards is no easy task, but there are a few things you can do to keep yourself on track.


Specific savings goals are a savior for me when it comes to sticking to a plan. I need something to look forward to and something to put my money towards, otherwise, I end up spending it on random things or experiences I don’t even really want (e.g. Garth Brooks tickets). If I can say to myself, no Sarah, if you spend your money on this stupid thing, you won’t be able to do this super awesome thing in the future, I’m way more likely to stay strong.

Having a stable budget can also help dissuade you from spontaneous spending. If you know you have a set amount of money to spend on entertainment, clothing, food, etc., then you’ll know when you can and can’t afford to splurge a little.


Being flooded with people talking about an upcoming concert or wearing an article of clothing you justHAVE拥有不会帮助您说服自己没有。让自己休息一下,做一些事情来分散自己的注意力(这不涉及花钱)。带你的狗散步,呆很长时间, read a, binge watch a new TV show…distracting yourself is key. And turn off your phone, even if it’s just for a few hours. Not seeing the notifications going off will make it easier to stay checked out.

3. Read for Inspiration

Have you ever read a book on personal finance and been suddenly inspired to cut your spending and start saving for retirement? *Hands up!* This happens to me all the time, and not even just for money. I’ve readBorn to Runby Christopher McDougall and had dreams of becoming a marathon runner (okay, not entirely, but I did run way more than my norm) andThe Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upby Marie Kondo had me cleaning out my closet before I finished the first chapter. Sometimes a little push from a good book is all you need to change your mindset.

4. Find Like-MindedFriends

The biggest influence on your spending habits is often your friends, and this is particularly the case for millennials. Frugal friends will almost always mean you spend less. Now, I’m not suggesting you banish all your friends and attempt to make new, less-spendy ones, but maybe try and come up with different things you can do together that cost less. Instead of always going out for dinner, how about hosting a girls’ night in?


Do you guys find that the fear of missing out impacts what you do? Or have you figured out ways to cope with it?

Sarah is a Canadian personal finance blogger over at微笑与征服。她已经在金融界工作了近十年,并利用这种经验来帮助其他千禧一代对自己的钱变得明智。



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