

经过 | Thursday, May 30, 2019



Paying myself first


  1. Emergency savings account with Capital One: $100
  2. Roth IRA退休帐户,富裕:$ 50
  3. 高盛的高收益储蓄帐户:$ 50

It was important that I paid myself first, and by automating my savings, I have no excuses for not consistently building up these accounts. Anemergency savings fundis my biggest priority right now. Once I save three months of living expenses, I will decrease the emergency savings automatic contributions and redistribute the money I normally would have sent there to my high-yield savings account and my Roth IRA. I realize $50 isn’t a whole lot, but I think it’s important to get into the habit of saving money, so I’m starting now regardless of the amount. And, outside of my long-term savings accounts above, I have a savings account and a second checking account with Wells Fargo, into which I manually transfer funds depending on the category.



Student debt: $50

I didn’t take out college loans with an institution, but I did borrow from the Bank of Mom and Dad. Thankfully, they don’t charge interest and I pay them $100 total each month via Zelle. I know how lucky I am to have such a low monthly payment, but I’d like to increase this amount because the sooner I’m debt-free, the better!

Rent and utilities: $550

My portion of the rent is $1,100 each month, which includes the gas, WiFi and electricity, for the 2-bedroom/2-bathroom apartment I share with a roommate (I live in a suburb of Los Angeles, and trust me, that’s considered “affordable” around here).


I’m really proud of owning my car outright – my name is on the title and everything! – and being responsible for the monthly $80 insurance is truly the most “adult” feeling I’ve had to date.

Squarespace website: $8

在我从大学毕业并进入专业舞台时,在我的学术领域里拥有一个个人网站是我的学术领域的必要条件。yabo88 app现在,我被雇用并且不再积极地求职,但现在仍然不错,但仍然有好处。我正在弄清楚如何扩展我的网站,以收取每月16美元的订阅费,直到我再次求职。


在这一点上,我将把$ 648转移到我的“可悲的钱”基金中,剩下252美元。我没有用于“悲伤的钱”帐户的借记卡,因为这只是我在线支付的账单。我预算的其他所有内容都将来自我的一般支票帐户。

A girl’s gotta get to work and put food on the table, so gas and groceries are next. These categories are the most flexible because I’m still trying to figure out how much I should expect to spend each week. I do know, however, that the cost of gas doubled when I moved from Ohio to California, and $4.19 for a gallon of gas makes me want to cry every time my I pass a gas station. It costs me about $50 to fill up my tank and I’ve been filling up once a week so far. My average grocery costs are also about $50 a week because I meal prep religiously, but my grocery prep is a story for another time. To make things easier, I’m sticking with the $50/week for gas and groceries, and I prefer to pay for these categories in cash because it’s easier to hold myself to a budget if I physically hand over the money each time. There are plenty of fee-free drive-through ATMs in my area, so it’s convenient to take out $200 in cash every pay period for gas and groceries.



泰勒·亚历山大(Taylor Alexander)讨厌“成人”一词,但无论如何都在学习如何做。您可以看到她的更多工作www.tayloralexandermedia.com

Image viaUnplash

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