

经过 | 2021年7月27日,星期二

与合作伙伴关系索菲,我们把这个goal-setting worksheet来帮你map out your long-term financial decision-making and create a savings strategy to help support you along the way. SoFi is a different kind of finance company whose goal is to help people get their money right. To learn how to make a plan to achieve financial freedom, schedule a免费电话今天有了Sofi Financial Planner,这是TFD独家优惠!



Financial freedom is going to mean something different for everyone. It can mean paying all your bills on time, in full, without stress. It can mean taking your family on a two-week vacation every year. It can mean retiring at age 45 to live in a camper full time – or a Spanish villa. At the end of the day, it’s about having the money you need to live the life you want.


What does freedom mean to you? What does your financial freedom life look like?



Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • 这个目标的时间表是什么?这是一个持续的目标(例如,赚到足够的钱来最大程度地发挥您的Roth IRA捐款),还是这个目标有结束日期(例如购买房屋或还清贷款)?
  • 您需要多少钱才能实现这个目标?(即每月总计10,000美元或额外250美元)



One thing to keep in mind: Just as financial freedom is different for everyone, these numbers – and the feelings attached to them – are different for everyone. Your own financial snapshot might make you feel proud, overwhelmed, excited, scared, and more. And that’s okay.



Think about how you want to prioritize your steps toward financial freedom and put your plan in order. If you’re working to pay off debt, keep in mind where you’re paying the highest interest rates; usually you’ll want to pay that off first.

在金融yabo88 app饮食中,我们坚信紧急节省。紧急储蓄帐户可以帮助您处理意外支出,而无需削减您的储蓄或债务报酬目标,如果您尚未紧急储蓄,我们建议您在开始朝着财务自由的旅程开始之旅时将您的首要任务放在首位。

Each element of your financial freedom plan needs money, of course. So you’ll need to figure out where that money is going to come from. Often that will mean one of two things:

  • Spending less money somewhere else.The idea here is to reduce your spending in one area so you can use that money toward your financial freedom goals. This could mean eating out once a week instead of twice, canceling a subscription or membership you rarely use, or even moving to an apartment with cheaper rent.笔记:If you’ve never tracked your spending before, now is a great time to start. A budgeting app can give you tons of insight into your own spending habits after just a month or two, and you can use that data to identify opportunities to make changes.
  • 总体上赚更多的钱。如果您的预算已经密密麻麻,或者您想加快进度,则需要增加收入。您可以出售一些您很少使用或穿着的更好的物品,拿起侧面喧嚣,或者寻找高薪工作。


在这一点上,您可以开始将一些拼图拼凑在一起。看看计划的不同元素,每个人所需的钱以及您的花费更少或赚钱的想法。您在哪里可以将这些碎片放在一起?例如:我想每月通过Roth IRA投资100美元,因此我将取消每月50美元的订阅,并每月拿起一个小型的图形设计演出,以实现这一目标。



Image viaUnplash

咨询服务由Sofi Wealth,LLC提供SEC注册的投资顾问

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