Essays & Confessions/Money Management


经过 | Monday, May 18, 2020

I’ve been Asian my whole life and never realized that May was Asian Pacific American (AAPI) Heritage Month. According to its dedicated federal网站,,,,May is a “celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States.” When society celebrates something, it’s usually measuring and evaluating success. As the “少数族裔”(随附的术语a slew of problems,我们将要稍微提出),AAPI的成功案例通常会被振奋以从战略上促进美国梦 - 任何人都可以通过艰苦的工作和奉献精神在美国“成功”的想法。


Aapis移民到美国有一段漫长而不舒服的历史种植园,,,,railroads,,,,andmines为他人获利。为了吸引他们的廉价劳动,Aapis得到了美国梦:在美国的经济和社会流动的平等机会。一些AAPI实现了美国梦想方程式的经济流动因素,但其他人则没有。这部分是由于AAPI社区内的各种移民路线。并非所有的AAPI在相同的限制或激励措施下移民到美国。在1965年的《移民和国籍法》之后,东南亚战争难民(美国大量参与的战争)在美国重新安置后主要陷入“低技能”劳动,这是一种适合我自己家人的叙述。国会通过了对廉价和低技能劳动力的无限态度之后,通过了1990年的《移民法》,这使新的“高技能”亚洲人在H-1B签证计划下在不断发展的STEM行业中工作。这些高技能的亚洲人赢得了几乎两倍从1976年到2016年。相比之下,同一时期,低收入亚洲人的收入仅增加了11%。这种鸿沟导致了美国最大的增长income inequality在亚洲人中。结果,AAPI在获得社会经济地位和流动性方面的差异很大。


正如美国梦想的那样,Aapis不能简单地努力摆脱贫穷,种族主义或经典的仇外心理。一些AAPI社区的英语水平有限,这为economic and educational opportunity,,,,especially for those coveted “high-skilled” jobs. In AAPI culture, it’s also common for multiple generations to live under one roof, where incomes are frequently spread thin to financially support grandparents and young children. Even for high-skilled and high-earning AAPIs in the tech world, a 2018 study byAscend发现亚洲人是最不可能racial group to be promoted to Silicon Valley managers, although they make up the largest racial cohort in tech. These invisible barriers to socioeconomic success, commonly referred to as the “竹天花板,” directly contradict the model minority stereotype and American Dream hype for AAPIs.

The model minority and crazy-rich-Asian myths don’t even align with my own Asian experience. My parents never worked less than two jobs each, but somehow hard work didn’t guarantee their golden ticket to wealth or social mobility. While working, my family received food stamps and public housing assistance when I was young. I remember my elementary school hosting canned food and toy drives during the holidays, and I distinctly remember wanting to die of embarrassment when there was a knock on my door two weeks before Christmas⁠—teachers from my school were smiling at me in Santa hats clutching the donated goods in red bins. Instead of my family encouraging me to “be whatever you want to be”, my dad begged me not to be like him. I was told to study hard, go to college, pursue a STEM career, and do whatever possible to降低我的风险经济失败。一个优秀的亚裔美国人为她的家人提供服务,并将美国梦的警棍带到终点线。如果移民父母无法取得社会经济的成功,那么责任经常落在他们的孩子身上

My parents never worked less than two jobs each, but somehow hard work didn’t guarantee their golden ticket to wealth or social mobility.

像美国许多种族和少数民族群体一样,Aapis也不享受平等的机会或进入美国梦。他们作为“模范少数派”的标签是一个神话,是为了将注意力从美国的结构性种族主义转移而来,而Aapis对其他种族和少数民族群体,所有这些都是为了使艰苦的努力最终表现出来的虚假观念永久性地体现美国梦。不关注结构性种族主义和其他对财富,职业发展和其他社会流动途径的社会经济障碍-just work hard and you can be anything you want to be!


As a Vietnamese-Mexican-American,Antoinetteis passionate about advocating for the communities she grew up in. She specializes in financial policy with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute and runs her ownacademic and financial consulting practice。You can always find her dancing, laughing, and cooking with loved ones.

Image viaPexels

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