
My Boyfriend & I Split Expenses 50/50 — Here’s How It Led To Our Breakup

By | 2019年12月16日,星期一

Moving in with your significant other requires a lot of compromising. Between varying bills and chores like cooking dinner and cleaning the bathroom, some things are divided evenly, while others are covered wholly in exchange for another task. And after moving in with my college boyfriend right after graduation, we soon discovered splitting expenses 50/50 isn’t as straightforward as we thought it would be.

Our first apartment together was a studio in Queens, New York, halfway between each of our jobs. We split the $1,575/month rent evenly, despite my ex making nearly double what I did. I assumed that as an independent, stubborn woman, I would hold my own in the relationship and pay for half of everything. I chose a low-paying creative field, and that would be my lifestyle. But as the months wore on and other financial obligations arose, splitting expenses 50/50 started to encourage resentment.

My first job out of college paid $15 an hour, which only goes so far in New York City. After six months, I got a raise to $17 an hour — the benefits of which I saw none of since my student loans also kicked in after six months of employment. My yearly salary came out to $31,000 a year at first, then $35,000 a year, before taxes. Meanwhile, my engineer boyfriend was making $55,000* right out of college.



As a couple living together, we aimed to spend “our” money as a team. I agreed to pay for all of the groceries so that the total amount we each spent per month would be about the same, despite there still being a large gap between our salaries and the total amount leftover being different.

We broke down monthly expenses to be split evenly:

  • Studio Rent – $1,575 = $787.50 each
  • wifi - 60美元(他)
  • 公用事业 - 30美元(他)
  • 杂货 - $ 400(我)
  • Student Loans – $200(me) and $700(him)


After a year of living together, we each got new jobs. I was now making $45,000 and he was making ~$65,000*, and we continued to split all expenses. We started our second lease together, paying $2,300/month for a duplex in Brooklyn. It lasted three months before we broke it off. There were many reasons besides money that the relationship wasn’t working, but long term, disagreeing on finances would continue to cause problems.

We had very different financial philosophies on life.


Me: A free-spirited creative who will impulsively walk into any independent bookstore or ice cream shop purely for enjoyment.

Not only did we have different day-to-day spending views, our medium and long-term money goals (how much to spend on vacations, the state with the best taxes for raising a family, how many kids to have) were vastly different as well.


Every couple has to find what works for them. I’ve spoken with women who like to feel taken care of and date men who will cover all of their bills, and I’ve spoken with women who make more than their partners and are hesitant to merge finances. My own resentment with splitting living expenses 50/50 when there was a large income gap stemmed from knowing that there were other cracks in the relationship that, if widened, would cause us to break up and leave me with little savings to get back on my feet.

When we did finally break up, I was very thankful to have friends who let me and my cat crash on their couches while I saved up enough to put down a security deposit and one month’s rent on a place of my own. I now have an apartment of my own where the rent is certainly more than if I was splitting it with a significant other. But I no longer feel that I’m being taken advantage of for someone else’s financial gain.


Juliet is a freelance writer and friendly neighborhood conspiracy theorist, tirelessly working to save the world from the impending Cowpocalypse and Doughpocalypse one blog post at a time. Read more of her writing atJulietTheNomad.com她在狂热的童年时期工作的地方工作,并假装是一名食品设计师。


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