预算/Essays & Confessions


经过 | 2020年12月25日,星期五


甚至如果the holidays are your favorite time of year, it’s still incredibly stressful and mentally exhausting. From compiling holiday gift lists to figuring out what your budget should be this year, it’s important for you to treat yourself with much-needed self-care. You may find yourself sleeping less while socializing and spending way more than you (and your bank account) can handle, so you need to listen to your body and mental state. Of course, the holidays are all about giving to others and spreading as much cheer as you can — but you can’t do that if you yourself aren’t taken care of. To help a little, I’ve compiled a list of 15 simple but effective ways to take care of your mental state and overall health during the holidays.

1. Take time away from friends to spend time with yourself.

All too often, I see friends and loved ones overworking themselves during the November and December months. From attending holiday parties to hosting your own, the holidays can feel like a never-ending cycle of talking, spending, and talking even more. Make sure to spend time with yourself this time. You’re going to need peace and quiet to calm yourself down when you feel overwhelmed and anxious about everything you have to do. Dedicate at least one night a week to just focus on you.

2. Respect the heck out of your budget.






5. Relax in anEpsom salt洗澡。

One of the best ways to relax after a terrible day at work or just to pamper yourself before a huge party, is to take a bath. (And it’s totally fine if you don’t have any of those fancy Lush bath bombs. The secret to a relaxing bath costs less than five bucks at the drugstore and will ease all your aches and pains from all the stress you’re dealing with. Epsom salts have been around for years and will seriously change your life in a matter of seconds.

6. Cook up an epic homemade meal you can be proud of, instead of ordering in.

We all know that there’s a certain high you get when your food comes to your door only 30 minutes after pressing the order button, but it’s also super costly. And my guess is, with the right recipe, you can cook up some of your favorite meals with a fraction of the cost. Fancy some Thai food or pizza? Learn how to make your favorite foods in your own kitchen, and stock up on those ingredients so you always can enjoy them in the comfort of your own home.

7. Be kind to yourself.

No matter what your holiday plans are or aren’t, please remember to treat yourself with love and respect. If you’re feeling lonely or a little sad, don’t beat yourself up and don’t put yourself into dangerous situations. Reach out to friends. Remember to breathe and remind yourself of all the things that are awesome about you. You are never alone.



9. Make homemade holiday decor.

Gone are the days where you have to spend half of your paycheck on light up reindeer and flashing outdoor lights. You’d be surprised what some construction paper and scissors can do for intricate and pretty home décorations. If you’re struggling with a snowflake or other paper design, Pinterest is a free and easy way to find some great works of art.


With cold weather coming through, an urge to overeat or over-drink can also follow suit, especially if you’re feeling down. But instead of drowning your sorrows in too much champagne, talk to a loved one about how you’re feeling. You most certainly aren’t alone, and I’m positive you aren’t the only who has the case of the holiday blues.

11. Be grateful for the simple things, instead of the luxury items.

在当今世界,当您看到其他人随身携带新iPhone和Michael Kors手袋时,很容易感到失望,但请不要烦恼!要感谢您的拥有以及您的家人和朋友。您一生中的人们的价值远远超过您可以在购物中心购买的东西。

12. Have a spa day with yourself or a few friends.

Don’t have enough to spare in your budget to pay over 50 bucks for a pedicure and manicure? If possible, round up a few of your girlfriends and collect all your nail polish colors to have一个有趣的,女孩的夜晚(隔离批准了!) If you aren’t able to all physically come together, consider getting together via Zoom, with the same sentiment and spa plans in mind. Not only will you get a chance to catch up with your buddies, but you’ll also have cute toes and nails without breaking the bank.




While you’re making lists for presents and gifts for your loved ones, don’t forget to save yourself a little bit of money for what you want, or even to get something you know need, but feel guilty getting. It’s so important to give yourself some love and remember your own needs and wishes.




劳伦·贾维斯·吉布森(Lauren Jarvis-Gibson)是位于华盛顿大都会地区的作家和诗人。自2015年以来,她的作品已在思想目录,Huff Post,Allure和Yourtango上发表。当她不写作时,劳伦(Lauren)尽可能地为泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)捍卫泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),并在她的家乡塔科马公园(Takoma Park)供应葡萄酒。她的诗集,Paper Hearts, is available on Amazonhere

Image viaUnplash

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