聪明地购物/Style & Decor

21 Little Luxuries That Make You Feel Way Richer Than You Are

经过 | Thursday, May 24, 2018

我喜欢欺骗自己感到富有的想法。虽然只接受较低的生活水平可能是高尚的idea当下的节俭感觉就像是如此的令人沮丧 - 尤其是当我们被人们始终过着最好的,鸡尾酒会派对的人生活的人嘲笑时。根据我的经验,重点放在斯巴达人的生活方式上,我“应该”生活往往与预期的效果相反,使我为自己感到难过,因此以某种方式过早地应获得奖励。

It’s the same when I try to get on a healthier diet. If I fixate on all the crappy things I can’t eat, I just crave them more. But if I think about biting into all the fresh, juicy produce that’s in season, I’m much more motivated. So it goes with saving money — if I focus on all the things I’m not spending on, I feel like a petulant child who’s just been told, “No more TV.” But if I think of all the small luxuries that are within my budget, I can do it. (多么新颖的隐喻,对吗?有人应该根据该前提创建一个网站名称…) Still, the more substantive consequence of this essentially materialistic approach is that it makes me more mindful of and grateful for all the nice things I have, as pedestrian as they may seem to some. Below are a few of my favorites.

1.新鲜草药 -I used to think this was one of those things foodie people just preached about to feel superior, but I have since seen the error of my ways. Fresh herbs take your food from 0-100. Dill for chicken and potato salad. Cilantro for Mexican and Asian dishes. Basil forbasically anything. True, they can be pretty expensive but a) it’s still less than eating out, and b) you can grow them at home. We just sharedthis articleon TFD about starting a home garden. It’s thyme to grow your horizons (sorry not sorry).

2. Fresh citrus- 新鲜的柠檬使您的悲伤,干燥的鸡胸肉美味。新鲜的石灰使您的斗争炸玉米饼时尚。并且两者都可以挤入冰水中,以获取最好的零卡路里夏季BEV。

3. Eating al fresco –并称其为“壁co”(大声笑)。无论您的盘子上有什么,公园里的野餐都有田园诗般的东西,而且比早午餐要便宜得多(加上醉酒的傻瓜,将无底的含羞草倒在您的右边)。无论您的帐户中有多少个零,您都只有一块奶酪和6美元的Prosecco,而不必感觉像额外的感觉用你的名字打电话给我。

4.漂亮的睡衣 -我觉得我对酒店的宠爱的感觉很大程度上归结于白毛皮布浴袍和拖鞋。相反,由于我坐在一件穿着超大号的T恤上,昏昏欲睡的感觉是90%。你知道你可以得到一个吗satin nightie亚马逊上的$ 10?我肯定没有。但是我在老式商店购买的更昂贵的商店值得。

5. Print Magazines- 还有什么比躺在躺在躺椅上阅读有光泽的杂志的豪华了吗?他们现在很便宜(RIP Publishing),以至于不像牙医办公室那样存放您的客厅几乎是一种犯罪。您通常可以通过航空公司里程来使他们不断地销售。((虚荣博览会is $10 right now for an entire year! With a free tote! Get your sassy 90s mom on!)

6.坚果(和松子)- 无需解释。松子是大自然的糖果。

7. Nice condiments- 一罐花哨(ISH)芥末酱是皮革夹克。您不需要它,但是再一次不是吗?Granted, it doesn’t have to be expensive. You can make a lot of condimentsfrom scratch.

8. Getting something tailored- 生活太短了,无法在袖子中太长的西装外套中感到尴尬,或者让漂亮的衣服聚集灰尘,因为它不适合在一个地方。

9.大量的便利- 我花更多的时间使用生活中便宜的东西,即。Bobby Pins,Hair Ties,Gum,Chapstick,Socks等,都比我做的最好的事情。它们中永远没有足够的时间,而且总是很烦人。获得100倍的Bobby Pins。在您拥有的每个钱包中放一个炸薯条。po-你有钱!

10. Having a clean place– Sometimes I feel like my apartment looks cheap, but really, it’s just messy. Under the dirty dishes and junk mail and crumpled clothes is a nice, perfectly livable space waiting to breathe. We discussed this amongst our team and concluded that having some baskets around in which to toss clutter is a game changer. Even more so if you have one for blankets, and the blankets are rolled (not crumpled).

11. Having open space- 违反直觉,摆脱东西通常会使一个地方比购买更多的地方更优雅。只需编辑一些小针刺或留下敞开的架子,这可能是可喜的。

12.完整的食品储藏室- 在另一端,我最喜欢的感觉之一是冰箱或食品储藏室(不满)的杂货之一,因为情况常常不是这样。即使只是蔬菜罐头和干谷物的塔楼,也很高兴知道它在那里。

13.冰水的投手- 这是玛丽的又一个很好的提示,他说:“我保留水,大量的冰和一个切成薄片的柠檬,然后整天将其放在我的酒吧推车或餐桌上。它保持冷,让我感到花哨。”

14.蜡烛- 蜡烛的规则似乎是每个人都将它们作为礼物而享用,没有人真正使用它们。让我们用它们!即使只是为了自己。特别是只是为了我们自己。

15.较软的灯泡- 说到照明,当softer, glowy kind是相同的价格。

16. Real wine glasses– Take it from someone who overestimated the cost of glasses and insisted on drinking Franzia from mugs for the better part of her adult life. Turns out a6杆玻璃杯的套件是宜家的$ 15。又名一家酒吧价格过高的鸡尾酒的价格。

17.MoviePass- 这有点有争议,因为它价格有点昂贵,其中一些每月10美元。但是,如果您经常去看电影,那是很多。看到多么豪华as many as you wantin a month without spending more than $10? You can看到在拖车中看起来只有很有吸引力的东西。只是走私您的糖果和爆米花> :)

18. Cotton balls/q tips/Kleenex– This is similar to the bobby pins point, but I think it deserves its own mention. As an underbuyer, I often don’t get these things (because TP, right?) but when I do, I remember how nice they are to have around.

19.旧货店珠宝– Arguably the best thing to buy secondhand because it never has holes or stains. Plus, you’re just as likely to break or lose your expensive stuff, anyway.

20. Pretty dishes to store said jewelry/cotton balls– While you’re picking up some costume jewelry, grab a few little candy dishes for storing them in your vanity or bathroom.

21.漫长的夜晚睡眠– Alas, the best things in life are free, and in my book, sleep is high among them. All the fancy skin products in the world can’t replace the美容益处一致,稳定的休息,虽然床垫不便宜,但要获得好睡眠的大部分归结为生活方式(最少的饮酒,锻炼,只是让您的眼睛有足够的时间从床前的屏幕上移开)。我想念它只是想念它...

What are your favorite cheap indulgences?

Image viaPexels

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