Essays & Confessions

艾莉森·罗曼(Alison Roman)和不给予f*ck的问题

经过 | Monday, May 11, 2020

去年10月,我遇到了一种鹰嘴豆炖菜的食谱,它是如此美味的黄油和咸味,那个冬天我至少又做了五次。在我不知不觉中,这种炖肉到处都弹出 - Instagram,Twitter,来自朋友的电子邮件。我很快了解到我没有发现任何新事物。炖菜与背后的女人一起闻名。

当我抬头看着她时,我可以立即看到上诉。艾莉森·罗曼(Alison Roman)才华横溢,富有创造力和机智,但也许她最有吸引力的事情是,她的乱搞可付出。罗马毫不费力地很酷。正如她的书的标题所暗示的那样,她是没有什么花哨。作为一个始终充满乱搞的人,违反直觉的尝试毫不费力地酷酷,罗马的品牌是我一直的品牌发现有抱负

使罗马闻名的事情是,她根本不想闻名 - 她很有创造力,没有过滤,也不是雄心勃勃。这种朋克摇滚美学的美学是在对新消费者的现年病毒采访中进行的,罗马讨论了她的业务策略:

“I’m sure if I were smarter I would have, at this point, hired a business person to develop a strategy so that I could take all that I have and translate it into money, because I’ve never made less money in my entire life than during this pandemic. And I’ve never been more popular. So what does that tell you?”

What it tells us is that Roman’s anti-business attitude is an extremely effective business strategy, even if she doesn’t know it. The Internet loves authenticity and admitting you’re a creative mess who doesn’t understand business reads as authentic. By shunning how it all works, you’re raging against the capitalist machine, which only makes you more appealing to it, even if you’re not actively monetizing anything.


“就像一个想法是,当玛丽·昆多(Marie Kondo)决定利用自己的名声并制作您可以购买的东西时,这与她曾经教给您的一切完全相反……我想,该死的,该死的,bit子,你他妈的他妈的立即卖光了!

就像,克里斯西·泰根(Chrissy Teigen)所做的事情对我来说是如此疯狂。她有一本成功的食谱。然后就像:繁荣,在目标上排队。BOOM,现在她有一个Instagram页面,拥有超过一百万的关注者,就像人们为她经营一个内容农场的人。这让我感到恐惧,这不是我想做的。我不渴望那个。”

For what it’s worth, I think Roman should be able to say what she wants. Disagreeing with other women, even if they are women of color, doesn’t make you less of a feminist or less of an ally. But Roman’s interview still made me wince. And it’s less about Roman, Kondo, or Teigen and more about the “too cool to care” narrative I’ve seen some of my favorite writers, creatives, and artists cultivate.

这种轻松的方法表明,关心金钱,商业或野心是很愚蠢的,并暗示您停止尝试时成功就会实现。While valid, this view also lacks an understanding of how less privileged groups might navigate success.

作家在社交媒体上嘲笑个人品牌的想法。艺术家嘲笑其他艺术家出售他们的作品。正如一位半著名的作家在一个小组中所说的那样,我参加了“我并不是想取得成功。我写我想要的。如果人们喜欢它 - 太好了。”这种轻松的方法表明,关心金钱,商业或野心是很愚蠢的,并暗示您停止尝试时成功就会实现。当然,这种观点是有效的,但也缺乏了解特权群体可能导航成功的程度的理解。

对于不同种族和种族背景的人来说,“金钱不好/我不关心成功/业务是愚蠢的”叙述只是不碰到一样。When you grow up with generational poverty, as so many immigrant families and marginalized groups do, you don’t have the luxury of not giving a shit about money. When you’re a Black woman whose attitude and words are constantly under scrutiny, you may not have the privilege of being too cool to care. When I read Roman’s interview, I wasn’t so much offended for Kondo or Teigen as I was frustrated for every person of color who has worked themselves silly only to be viewed as a sellout or spoiled or privileged, especially if that work included navigating discrimination — and it always does.

Also, the word “privilege” is so frequently tossed around among well-meaning white progressives that it’s become borderline meaningless. But worse, in many cases, privilege has been used counterproductively. Acknowledging your privilege is often used as carte blanche to say whatever unfiltered, reckless, irresponsible thing you want. There are, for example, the personal finance stories of people who paid off massive amounts of debt in a matter of months — or reached some other nearly impossible milestone — and the reader casually mentions the privilege of having wealthy parents who made it happen, then proceeds to dispense advice that is not applicable to anyone who didn’t come from generational wealth. What’s the point in acknowledging your privilege if you’re going to continue to leave underprivileged people out of the conversation? The point is, I would love more substantive, inclusive conversations about money, success, and ambition.

It’s not Roman’s responsibility to include the perspective of every marginalized group in every statement she makes — it would be impossible. But a question I wish more people with platforms would ask themselves before self-indulging is: What is the larger narrative my voice is contributing to and is that narrative inclusive?

It’s hard for me to write any of this because there’s already too much policing on the words women use and how they use them — I don’t want to be a part of that. Also, it’s not Roman’s responsibility to include the perspective of every marginalized group in every statement she makes — it would be impossible. It would also be hypocritical of me to suggest that women shouldn’t be able to criticize other women when I’m criticizing one woman’s point of view, limiting as it may be. Let me be clear: Anyone should be able to say whatever she wants to say, especially in an interview! But if I could make an appeal, a question I wish more people with platforms would ask themselves before self-indulging is:What is the larger narrative my voice or opinion is contributing to and is that narrative inclusive?

Alluring as it is to be an absolute creative mess who takes risks, bucks the rules, and does her own thing, it is also a highly privileged way to approach life. The reverse snobbery of looking down on ambition is disingenuous but worse, it’s tone-deaf. It’s easy to suggest that selling a product or building a brand or making money any other way is selling out when you’ve not had to deal with the unique challenges that come with being a person of color. Many of the systems you’re fighting against — whether it’s a business, a line of cookware at Target, or just generally having your financial life together — are viewed quite differently depending on your racial, ethnic, or cultural background.


另一方面,也许有过滤器有话要说。如果这意味着聆听并抽出时间考虑您的言语或意见如何影响其他群体,尤其是没有相同奢侈品或经历的团体 - 也许拥有过滤器并不是不好。作为您最勇敢,最顽强的自我,您的自我似乎对商业有好处,但也许我们的文化可能会再使用一些乱搞。

Image viaYouTube

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