Finding A Job

Sorry, But Your Resume Is Not The Place To Show Off Your Millennial Quirkiness

经过 | Monday, September 16, 2019


I also have the unique combination of experience on both sides of a resume: I’ve worked in staffing across industries and roles, as well as written dozens upon dozens of resumes (which is a fantastic side-gig if you can join a writers’ network). Typically, I just send snarky screenshots of strange things I see on resumes to my friends. But in the spirit of sharing, I’d like to highlight some things to help improve your resume.

Here are some of my best resume tips for millennials:


I’m not sure who decided your resume was a good place to include that you like reading novels about murder, or that you’ve won a Mario Kart tournament for the past five years (both things I’ve encountered), but I’m here to correct that. Your resume is a place to showcase how you best fitthe role in question。除非您要在自行车店申请工作,否则包括典型的自行车路线在内是无关紧要的。此列表也是邀请歧视的主要场所。招聘人员不应该让无关的信息为他们对应用的看法染色,但我们都是人类。忽略您对80年代恐怖电影的热爱,并利用该空间来量化您的最新过程改进。

2. Lose the “unique” email addresses.



Unless you’re applying for a job in the fieldand you have a professional social media account,,,,please don’t include your Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter handles. Employers really don’t want to, or need to, see your Saturday night bar shots, or the amount of cat memes you share. However, including your LinkedIn address is a great way to include additional career history, as well as endorsements from your connections.


现在,几乎所有组织都使用申请人跟踪系统 - 基于布尔搜索来存储并匹配候选人的程序。如果您列出了自己的技能和能力,请使用每个工作应用程序进行编辑,以匹配工作发布中要求的功能。这将增加您申请的工作以及其他潜在机会的工作率。这是包括“持续改进”,“跨职能团队领导”和“敏捷项目管理”等流行语的地方。避免使用含糊的术语,例如“归档”,“打字”,“动机”,“有组织的”或招聘经理认为您可以做到的任何其他事情。

5. Use a combination of paragraphs and bullets.

从视觉上讲,人们正在用简历做有趣的事情。I’ve found the most effective (and ATS compatible) way of formatting is to summarize your daily tasks (e.g. “Providing administrative support to the sales team in the delivery of customer demos”) in a paragraph, and then to list out 5-7 key accomplishments underneath. This allows recruiters to understand what “Sales Support” means in your work experience, as well as get a sense of what you’ve achieved in the position.


Whatever you can quantify, quantify. If you have implemented a new process, how much time did it save? What costs did it reduce? By how much? Did you design a training that was delivered to clients? How many? Did you have a successful sales year? How much did you sell?

7. Rename your meaningless job titles.

If there is anything in human resources that doesn’t make sense, it’s job titles. Organizations have their own naming conventions, which don’t always translate to the outside professional world. So you’re a “Coordinator II” in your current organization? I don’t know what that means. It’s worth editing your job title to reflect industry standards, or at least be more descriptive. “Sales Coordinator” at least hints that your job involves sales.


Anotherinterestingtrend I’ve been coming across a lot lately is the use of graphic design elements in resumes. Not only do thesereally不转化为ATS,但它们也倾向于使您看起来不足。例如,列出10-15个技能,您认为五分之颗有多少颗星反映了您的表现。如果您认为您的Python能力仅是五星级中的一分之一,为什么要列出呢?相反,只需包含您的顶级技能列表as related to the job posting.

9. Boast about your accomplishments.

The piece of advice I give out the most to people is to brag about their performance. No one is going to advocate for you when you’re applying for jobs. Take this time to really highlight all that you’ve done. Did you move a printer from one desk to another, so you didn’t have to walk around the office every time you printed something? Great! You’ve implemented a process improvement to reduce waste and improve efficiency.


If you have a gap in employment, you can address is in a cover letter or interview. Including on your resume that you were fired (really, I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this), laid off, became a mother or moved to follow a spouse is irrelevant and can invite unwanted (and illegal) discrimination. If you are seriously concerned about employment gaps, instead of including the years you were at a role (e.g., 2014 – 2017), instead quantify how many years it was (e.g., three years).



凯尔西(Kelsea)是一个真人秀的迷人,并从加拿大恢复了成绩,并具有针织效果。您可以跟随她的困境来通过关注 @在Instagram上拯救苦苦挣扎的植物父母kelseaknits

Image viaUnplash

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