

经过 | Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Even if you have healthy self-esteem and understand the difference between the life of a full-time, money-making influencer and, well, real life, it can be a lot.I’d always had a pragmatic approach to Instagram — I’ve been a business reporter on the advertising space for four years, and I focused on the influencer market for two years. Despite all that knowledge about what was real and what was #paid, I realized that Instagram shaped way too many aspects of my life, from the types of groceries I bought to the kind of furniture I filled my apartment with.

有一天,我坐下来,快速列出了我上个月做出的决定,这些决定部分甚至完全受到Instagram上陌生人的影响。这是很多 - 每天至少一个决定。而且我仍然觉得自己还不够好!我开始像疯了一样突出,我并没有错过我未关注的大多数帐户。

I still love Instagram. And I still spend way more time on it than any other social network. Who, you might ask, do I follow these days? I’ve focused my follows on accounts that make me happy, that provide entertainment while also being positive and productive, that are run by people who are totally real (and not just “real” in the cutesy-bedhead, mismatched-vintage-furniture kind of way). I still follow creators who are paid occasionally for content, but I focus my energy on people who educate and inspire me rather than people who are trying toa lifestyle to me.





我为自己的生活奠定了另一个健身帐户之一。尼卡(Nika)是坏蛋,坚强,但她是如此有趣和愚蠢,以至于即使您不是健身房的老鼠,您也想跟随她。像玛德琳(Madeline)一样,尼卡(Nika)是一名认证的私人教练,所以我相信她的技巧。One thing that sets her apart from Madeline is she often posts videos of workout routines, so you can build your perfect leg day, back day, etc. Nika is incredibly body-positive, doesn’t put a moral imperative on health, and posts very candidly about gaining weight in ways that make you realize that weight gain isn’t scary. As a bonus, she’s very pro-therapy and often posts resources for finding therapists in your area.

3.Elsie Larson

Elsie is the most “professional” influencer I follow. She’s the co-creator of the blog A Beautiful Mess, but I love her Instagram account because of her family posts. Elsie and her husband adopted a daughter from China in late 2017 and are currently working on their second adoption. She uses her platform to promote adoption (specifically special needs adoption) and albinism, which both her daughters have. I’m not a parent and don’t intend to be one, but Elsie’s posts and stories have made me cry countless times. One thing I love about her family ‘gram is that despite making her daughter highly visible, she sets boundaries (she refuses to post/talk about meltdowns or more private, vulnerable things). The other thing I love is her transparency; she’s posted tons of details about the process of China adoption, including costs (and she’s been very forthcoming about her financial privileges) and calls out a lot of misconceptions about international adoption (like white savior complexes). Whether you’re considering adoption or just think kids are cute, this is a family account that will make you smile.

4。玛莎·邦诺(Martha Bonneau)

促进中国采用的另一个帐户(我发誓,我不考虑采用,它们只是that sweet).Martha and her husband Bob have two daughters from China, slightly older than Elsie’s daughters (age 10 and seven), the younger of whom has albinism. I have enjoyed following the family account of someone who is not necessarily a professional influencer and is not raking in crazy money from social media. Martha’s account follows a lot of everyday parenting challenges without feeling exploitative and is also highly educational about everything from living with visual impairment to making traditional dumplings. She recently posted about the journey to meet her elder daughter’s birth parents (get the tissues ready), but it’s not always so heavy. Sometimes it’s just her younger daughter’s (extremely cool) thrift store outfits.


我不是用石头制成的 - 有时我喜欢跟随时尚和美容影响者。伙计,金·泰国(Kim Thai)是最有趣的事情之一。Kim到处都是一点点 - 她有一个ASMR YouTube频道和一个Mukbang(缓慢的饮食)频道,但她还发布了超酷的美容教程。尽管她的IG内容超级时尚且理想,但也没有完全充满#PAID帖子。确实,金只是散发着幸福和对所有美丽事物的热爱。她的妆容看起来很有趣,可以重现和在“创意”和“实际上可以将其戴在办公室里”之间的平衡。

6。Brianna Haire

我是唯一看着短暂的人Dance Momsspin-off,艾比的终极舞蹈比赛?答案是肯定的。但是,让我们假装一秒钟不是。您是否曾经想过第一季的获胜者Brianna Haire是什么?Brianna现在19岁,在加州大学洛杉矶分校学习,完全杀死它作为嘻哈舞者。她的大多数帖子都是舞蹈视频,它们几乎总是那么有趣和轻松,他们会让您想在舞蹈课上获得屁股,即使您以前从未踏上工作室。


我并不是很喜欢遵循宠物的Instagram帐户(我发现大多数内容cring the值)。但是,我例外的是一些令人愉快的特殊需求猫。当推荐一个帐户时,我在瘫痪后腿的克洛伊(Chloe)和孟菲斯(Memphis the The Twip)猫之间被撕裂。两者都很可爱,所以很酷。但是我之所以选择克洛伊不仅推荐她的故事真的很棒,而且是收养猫的绝佳理由,而且还因为她的主人一直对拥有特殊需要宠物所涉及的费用非常诚实。克洛伊(Chloe)疯狂地鼓舞人心和热闹,但是对特殊的宠物所有权进行更诚实的看法真是太好了。



9.Vegan Richa

我不敢相信我花了很长时间才能到达食品帐户。无论纯素食,Richa都是出于多种原因而是最佳食品帐户之一。一方面,她的食谱非常容易遵循,通常不涉及到杂货店的旅行,以获取您从未听说过的十二种食材。她的食物也很实用,在“用五磅腰果制成的顶级垃圾食品”和“羽衣甘蓝沙拉中,这会让我饿了,然后再咀嚼第一批叮咬之前,这会让我感到饥饿。我在饲料上最喜欢的食谱是她的Aloo Gobi,她的糙米和面条炒菜和蘑菇扁豆惠灵顿。

10。Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

If you’re not following AOC, you’re missing out — not because she’s untouchable politically, but because she represents a watershed moment in terms of how young people can engage with politics and how politicians can engage back. Her feed is like a log book of what a true grassroots politician looks like, which is extremely empowering if you identify as political in any way. Her stories and her live-streams are also crazy informative, and are one of the few things about politics that I can say truly fill me with hope (full disclosure: as a Canadian, I don’t really have skin in the game, but I think politicians around the world can learn from how Alexandria uses social media).

Bree Rody-Mantha is a business journalist and dance teacher living in Toronto. In her spare time, she enjoys sport climbing, lifting and running the vegan food blog,Urban Garlic。在Twitter上关注她这里


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