
21 TFD读者他们停止购买的东西,不要错过

By | Friday, October 18, 2019

前几天,在TFD团队聊天中,我们谈论的是买衣服,想要衣服以及最终不使用的衣服。我通过在Facebook(颤抖)上的“我的标签照片”部分沿着记忆巷进行了一次小旅行,并意识到我明显停止购买一种服装,尽管它过去对我的衣柜和我的感觉都非常重要of self — I didn’t miss it at all. Put simply, I used to buy quite a lot of A-line skirts and dresses with a lot of material. Think Blair Waldorf or Charlotte York, a preppy-bordering-on-princessy vibe that I felt, during a time when I was most self-conscious about my body, “hid” my most sensitive areas.

当然,回头看,我可以看到那穿衣服不必要地使我不必要地让我看起来不舒服,因为事实是我不是我曾经希望我所希望的夏洛特型角色(生活在里面)一个超级帆的帆船小镇将为您带来这种愿望)。但是我记得当我决定停止购买这类衣服时,我记得最好的细节。我正站在一个更衣室里,尝试了另一个愚蠢的花卉数字,当它立刻打了我所有的衣服不是我的身份,而是我是谁拼命地成为。我放下它,接受#NeutrAllife和更经典的量身定制的线条,此后开发了一种个人风格,可以混合一些女性,而不会过于少女(在我的情况下,也很讨人喜欢)。我可以坚信,我不会错过那个旧衣柜,这让我想知道TFD读者还从中削减了什么他们的budgets, and found they don’t miss at all. So I took to Twitter and asked them!

1. “Food delivery. I can say with 100% honesty I haven’t ordered anything off Seamless in the past three months. That is a personal record! I think I haven’t been as tempted because a) I moved in with my boyfriend and am no longer going back and forth between two apartments all the time, and b) I’ve just been really into cooking lately and have been conscious of eating all of my leftovers. So far, I haven’t missed it at all!”– Cara

2.“大约五年前,我停止绘画指甲,做修指甲和修脚,从那以后再也没有回头。我在俄勒冈州波特兰市郊外的一个非常柔和的小镇中长大,当我在洛杉矶上大学时,对我来说,修指甲是每个女人都在做的事情。yabo88 app(In college!? With what money??) Once, a friend of mine looked at my unpainted toes and told me in the most disapproving of tones that her rich-ass mom says ‘feet must always look like a lady’s!’ This kinda traumatized me — like what? What 1950’s bullsh*t is that? Having blue lacquer on the dead protein cells growing out of my baby toe determines my womanhood? Still, I adhered to the custom for years. Then, I went through a spate where I was feeling outraged at how expensive it can be to be a woman, so I vowed to kick to the curb practices of which did not serve me. Nails went, never to return. (No judgment if you like nails—I’m just more of a wild clothes and lip color gal myself!)”- 黛安

3.“我停止订阅每月美容盒,例如Ipsy和Birchbox,并且不要错过它们。大多数时候,我什至不喜欢他们发送的小产品,最终被巨大的未使用样品剩下。浪费金钱,我一点也不想念他们!”- 莫妮卡

4.“当我第一次搬出家时,当时的流媒体和我决定不想要电视。我们认为这是浪费时间,浪费空间,而不是我们一生中想要的东西。那是在2012年,直到今年才能生存下来 - 没有Netflix,没有Stan(澳大利亚同等学历),只有广播和100,000本书。我最近与未婚夫一起搬进来,并且在没有它的几年之后,我们也决定也把他的电视加油。我们在脚步期间有点想念它,但是去酒吧或某人的房子是一个很好的借口。”- 莎莉

5.“像国际大都会和魅力这样的杂志。我不仅每月节省5美元(不是一笔巨大的费用,而且总而言之!)我还对自己不那么糟糕,而且压力不太压力,因为购买了这些杂志中广告宣传的东西。”- 娜塔莉

6. “I recently moved to Philadelphia but I am living in a neighborhood where having a car is still an option. I debated whether or not to keep my car for weeks and weeks because while it is an option to keep your car in my neighborhood, it is not a cheap one. I realized the only time I was using my car was to visit my long distance boyfriend and my family maybe once or twice a month plus some errands. While it was convenient to have my car, it was in no way a necessity. Finally last week I decided to sell my car. I am saving $200+/month on insurance plus my parents are saving on the monthly car payment they were still paying from when they bought it for me as a graduation gift. (Not to mention the parking passes and the parking tickets I’m sure I would have collected over time.) I’m so happy with my decision! Taking the bus or the train to visit my boyfriend and family is not the most convenient option but it is definitely the best option for me and my wallet (and the environment!).”– Abigail

7.“在大多数情况下,我已经停止在精品健身课上的支出,我一点都不想念它。这并不是说我不会和一个朋友一起做瑜伽,而是像Soulcycle这样的地方的精神,为45分钟的会议收取35美元的费用。对我来说,我认为这是一件哲学上的事情:即使您不赚60k,也应该可以找到身体健康,而运动的商品化是这种新的不必要的事情。”– Linnie

8.“我已经停止在口香糖上花费了!不要错过!每次我在一家拐角商店里,我花了几美元真的用来加起来。”- 克里斯汀

9. “Since I’m saving money to move to a new (and more expensive) city, I’ve cut on the ‘social-coffee’ in the middle of a class, I just bring whatever I’d like to eat and my bottle of water, hang with my classmates and my wallet stays safe. Also, BOOKS. I still want to buy everything I see in the bookstore, but I find a lot of joy going to the library, I’ve realized that I end up reading more because there’s a due date, and also reading things that I wouldn’t normally. So yeah, maybe I miss the newbies, but the experience is amazing.”- 丽贝卡

10. “After a Whole30 a year or two ago I stopped buying lattes, etc. Black, drip coffee actually has a lot more flavor variety that I noticed post-sugar/cream days & I haven’t spent more than $2.50 on coffee since then! Ido圣诞节前后在圣诞节期间购买薄荷摩卡,只是为了精神上,但是除了偶尔的文化/季节性饮料外,我不会错过它。I’m not trying to be pro-latte factor, but when I have $10-15 mad money for the week, the cheaper drink means I can treat myself to a Friday lunch and get a coffee that week…or just more coffee-treat days.”– Maire

11.“停止减肥产品/教练/昂贵的精品健身房会员资格!我可能花了数千美元在下一件事上最终解决了我所有的问题。我开始专注于信心和增长潜力的第二个,我再也没有回头。”- 艾玛

12. “Coloring my hair! Saving $100-200 every two months and never having to deal with “roots” is liberating AF.”- 杰恩

13. “Drinks with (restaurant) dinner on most occasions. I used to feel like I HAD to get the wine pairing or some chic cocktail to complete my meal but my fiancé and I cut our dining out costs a lot when we stopped drinking as much as we used to. If we drink at all, we’ll have a drink at the bar before or after dinner. It seemed like having drinks with food made me drink more and spend more. Both because if I finished my drink with the appetizer, I’d want another one for the entree, and also because it would lower my inhibitions just enough to get that fuck-it dessert I never really wanted in the first place.”– Katie

14.“我不再花钱在手机游戏上!我曾经在排队,公共汽车或仅仅打开时间时玩糖果暗恋或类似游戏。我很迷人,我开始为更多的生活或特殊游戏功能付款。太愚蠢了,没有给我带来任何真正的满足感。现在,我用这段时间阅读电子书(从图书馆!)或文章。我的钱包和时间都被更明智地使用了,我为此感到更加快乐!”- 妮可

15. “I re-evaluated monthly subscriptions. Apple Music I wasn’t using much plus I get music with prime. Credit monitoring through insurance was replaced with credit karma and the third bureau with my bank. I ended up cutting about 50$ a month total on things with small fees that weren’t getting used or could be replaced. I did keep Audible. :)”- Guera

16.“从法国搬到纽约后,我们停止去看电影。我们曾经一直在巴黎旅行,现在我觉得这已经不超出了纽约市的预算。现在,我们可以使用这么多流媒体服务,而不是在法国 - 我们没有管理。另外,去早午餐,一般而言外出就餐。在巴黎度过一顿美餐并没有破坏银行,但是现在住在纽约市,您可以花一笔钱去获得美食体验。”- 杰奎琳

17.“我有一个定期的习惯,可以在午餐或晚餐时吃快餐(向Chickfila和Chipotle大喊)。我决定大约6个月前成为一名素食主义者,而这样做的无意副产品我现在几乎从未得到快餐。许多人除了沙拉之外没有很好的素食选择,因此它成为一种诱人的快餐选择。坦率地说,我并不是真的很想念它,而且我也不真的想念吃肉。”- 阿曼达

18.“购买精美的瓶装饮料,例如La Croix和Kombucha,曾经是我的杂货清单上的主食。但是,然后我意识到这些东西是成本上加起来的。当然,将这些东西放在家里真是太棒了,他们可以在家做午餐和晚餐感到更加豪华,但是一旦我回家,狗屎的持续时间并不多几天。如果它们放在我的冰箱中,我将快速喝酒 - 有时每天倍增。最后,我每周的杂货账单上不值得额外的15美元。坦率地说,我宁愿将钱花在鲜花上,或者让我更加高兴的其他东西。”– Carrie

19. “Fancy mixed nuts. I used to buy cans of them (shout out to the ‘no peanuts’ variety) in nice flavors or just roasted with sea salt to keep them on my desk. They are a ‘healthy’ snack and keep me full, but let’s be honest, I could blow through a can of wasabi-soy mixed nuts in a matter of days, and the sizes I got were often at the ten-dollar mark or higher. Now I have high-protein snacks around that are way less expensive (seeds, dried flavored chickpeas, hardboiled eggs, string cheese), and the nuts are just an occasional treat. In fact, having them rarely makes them all the more special.”- 艾莉森

20. “Meat. Even though I haven’t gone fully vegetarian as I believe everything is best in moderation, I stopped buying meat as a part of grocery shopping with my roommate and we already save a ton of money by replacing it with beans and grains. Now I only eat meat when I really want it, at a good restaurant, when it’s worth the money, and not at home because I have it and need to eat it before it goes bad.”- 雷切尔

21.“唇膏在任何阴影中都有裸色的淡紫色。我曾经购买这些实验性颜色,绝对永远不会佩戴它们,因为我在鲜红色或深黑莓唇色中感到不舒服和没有吸引力。我现在坚持无聊,自然的阴影,并将这些东西戴在块状上。”- 希望

This article was originally published on October 6, 2017, and has since been updated.


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