

经过 | 2017年9月5日,星期二



一旦我长大并开始赚更多的钱,我就为我的家庭做出了贡献,因为我会经常去杂货(当我知道我们用完了我们需要的东西时,尤其是事情使用最多的),并与母亲分担饭菜。When I moved in with my boyfriend (without ever having the experience of living alone), I reminded him that I was a novice homemaker and would need some assistance figuring out basic things, like how much food to buy at once so it doesn’t spoil before we eat it, or how much pasta I need to cook for a meal for two people (apparently, the entire box is a拉屎吨)。奇怪的是,尽管德鲁比我大六岁,并且自从他十几岁以来就独自生活,但他也不确定从哪里开始。在过去的几年中,他一直是个忙碌的家伙,并且在晚上大部分时间为自己做了一个早晨的煎蛋和一个悲伤的鸡胸肉,在没有时间做饭时补充了饭菜。当我搬进去的那天,我调查了公寓中的空冰箱时,我决定我们需要坐下来进行集思广益会议,以计划如何去杂货店和作为两人家庭做饭。我们想出的系统比完美不足,但并非完全失败。


Before I moved in, Drew did all his shopping at BJ’s — imo, bulk-shopping for one person doesn’t make much sense, but for him, it somehow did (probably because he just bought a bulk-package of chicken and a bulk-carton of eggs and only ate that every day). Since I love cooking (and eating!!!!) for pleasure, I had to put my foot down on the bulk-chicken-consumption. He actually agreed, and seemed to be ready to expand his unsophisticated palette with me to start off our new journey as ~romantic roommates~.



经过一番反复试验后,我们决定继续购买三件事:鸡蛋,鳄梨和鸡肉 - 在BJ是有道理的。Most of our meals that involve meat are chicken-based, because I’m not a red-meat eater (I just don’t like the taste, there are no politics behind my reasoning), and a package of 10 chicken breasts is wildly inexpensive there, and lasts us a good while if we keep it frozen and take them out individually each day to thaw for dinner that night. Avocados are sold in bulk bags of six for less than we would spend on two at any other local grocery store, so we get those there too, since they are a staple in Drew’s low-carb diet. We also buy eggs there because we both like to eat them for breakfast in the morning, and 36 eggs at BJ’s costs less than a dozen at our local Shop Rite, so I feel good about that. We spend about $20 each time we go there, so around每月$ 60在BJ。


最近,自从我开始非常接近一家以来,我就开始在Trader Joe's上做几乎所有非泡沫,定期的杂货店购物。我每月大约两次去那里拿起我们的大部分主食。我喜欢在可能的情况下购买水果和蔬菜,因为价格总是很棒。此外,诸如谷物,饼干,格兰诺拉麦片,燕麦片和其他各种零食等的东西方法比其他杂货连锁店要少。(I have been known to spend $5 on boxes of Ritz crackers, but Trader Joe’s sells crackers that taste even better and cost around $1.50 for a box.) TJ knockoffs of name-brand cereals are also a dollar or two cheaper there, so I stock up on things like that whenever I have the chance. However, I don’t really buy meat there very much, just because I sometimes find it to be on the pricey side. Any meat that I pick up during the month besides the chicken we use is purchased elsewhere. Each time, my bill hovers around$ 60我总是带着巨大的东西回家。这个地方是我的家。


我们距离这两家商店仅五分钟时间,因此,根据我们那一周的需求以及正在销售的东西,我会去。Mostly, we just go here to get meat (besides the chicken we get at BJs) and random things (like if the veggies I picked up at Trader Joe’s went bad for some reason, or I planned poorly and forgot to get an ingredient for a meal I’m making that week). Also, I religiously check both of these places to see when the ice cream we like is on sale, because ~fancy ice cream~ gets expensive, and when mama can get it for cheap, she得到它。

我通常不会花更多的钱$ 30每次旅行。


因此,总的来说,这实际上几乎没有杂货。我们为两个人花了200多美元,这让我们每工作日在家中三餐至少。通常,我们也在周末在家用餐 - 但是有时候,我们最终会出去吃一两顿饭。(我们不再在一周内做任何外卖 - 我们曾经做过很多,这是我们在工作之夜完全停止做的事情。)

但是,即使有这样的负担得起的杂货法案,我也想知道我们可能做错了什么。The more I look at our recent grocery bill compared to the amount of food we get for the price each week, the more I realize that the goal shouldn’t be “spending the least amount of money,” but rather “getting only what we want and need with no excess, and doing it all in an easily manageable way.”

Going to three separate grocery stores is kind of ridiculous, and even though I’m getting the best bang for my buck, I’m also often ending up with leftover food that ends up going bad, or I find myself without something I wish I had because I opted to get an item I could get more of for less money instead of buying the more expensive thing that I really wanted to cook.



在烹饪方面,我是一种自由的精神 - 如果我在Pinterest上看到一些看起来不错的东西,那天晚上,我会受到启发。如果我在Food Network上观看激发创造力的东西,我会把晚餐计划扔到窗外,并在现场提出一个新的计划。但这导致了很多随机成分的跑步仪式需要对于今晚的新令人兴奋的一餐,以及我刚刚计划的花钱。这也意味着我的食物做过购买已经浪费了,因为那天晚上我不再使用它。我有罪连续三个晚上改变主意,并在一周结束时扔掉一包肉,因为我每天晚上都将其推开,以供其他东西烹饪,然后变坏了。不酷!

2.尝试合并到只有一家杂货店(TJ !!!),然后每周去那里(或在您时购买更多去。)



德鲁完全爱上了大型购物,所以他可能不喜欢这个 - 但是我认为,我们需要使这些BJ的旅行降低。我们确实使用了大量的鸡肉,但是我们通常至少将至少一两块扔掉。如果我们不那么频繁,我们将在周围不想使用的散装食物少,但会感到义务因为我们买了它。我认为每月一次买一吨鸡肉或鳄梨是一个很酷的计划,但是即使在财务上这是一笔不错的交易,也要三次过分。也许如果我们是一个四口之家,但这只是我们两个人 - 我们一生中没有那么多的该死的鸡。

我们正在积极进行餐饮计划和准备工作,并且要对我们每次购物的频率/购买多少次数更加谨慎。如果您有关于如何使杂货旅行更有效的好提示和窍门,请在评论中让我知道 - 我真的可以使用帮助!





