Grocery Tips

I Tried A Microwaveable Meal Delivery Service To Get Out Of Cooking — Here’s What I Thought

经过 | 2020年10月8日,星期四

This article is sponsored by新鲜。All opinions are the writer’s own.

任何长期读者的人都可能知道我的丈夫彼得和我是餐具包的奉献者。我们俩都喜欢做饭,但是 - 我用爱说这件事 - 彼得只是我见过的最糟糕的餐饮计划者。虽然在家庭烹饪方面并不总是最便宜的选择,但在我的家中,我们喜欢它们提供的东西:与计划相关的努力很少的品种。

所以什么时候新鲜approached us with the opportunity to try their meals, I was more than familiar with the idea of having my food delivered. However, I’d never tried a meal delivery service that didn’t actually involve cooking, which is exactly what Freshly is.


新鲜offers over 30 options of healthy meals delivered right to your door, and each can be prepared in just 3 minutes in the microwave. Their meals are always fresh, not frozen like a standard TV dinner, and they focus on nutritious servings without sacrificing flavor. Their service is simple: when you sign up for a subscription, you pick how many meals you want per week, and which meals you want to try. After your first meal picks, Freshly will arrange a default menu each week, but you can change the meals to be whatever you want. They offer plans of 4, 6, 10, or 12 meals delivered per week, and the pricing comes out to between $8.49 and $13 a meal, depending on how many you add to your plan. Also, you can easily skip a week (or multiple) if you’re going to be out of town or otherwise occupied, and you can easily change your delivery address, too.

为了方便起见,我对微波炉的餐点并不陌生,但老实说,它们通常是如此的处理 - 自从我十年前我住在宿舍以来,我可能没有一顿。幸好,新鲜的饭菜have way shorter (and more decipherable) ingredient lists than what you’ll typically find in the frozen dinner aisle. I was excited to try it out, both because it was an easy way to get out of meal planning for a few days, and because I was genuinely curious about how these would taste. Plus, as much as I love cooking, we’ve been doing it so. freaking. much. since lockdown began back in March. I was excited to have an excuse to have a few lunches and dinners made for me (and not have to do the dishes).



The Meals


  • Zpaghetti And Meatballs
  • Homestyle Chicken
  • Steak Peppercorn
  • 鸡肉tikka masala
  • Tangy Sesame Citrus Chicken
  • K-Town Pork & Purple Sticky Rice


对于我们的第一个新鲜晚餐,我吃了“ Zpaghetti”和肉丸,这是西葫芦面条,配以火鸡肉丸中的红色酱汁。现在,我永远不会假装蔬菜是面食。他们不是。但是,西葫芦面条本身就是非常好!火鸡肉丸的味道令人愉悦。我本可以用更多的番茄酱做一些,但是很美味。

彼得的第一顿饭是家庭鸡肉,它的杏仁面粉“面包屑”,并带有绿豆的两面,“ Mac and Cheese”配以无麸质面条和胡桃南瓜酱。绿豆很新鲜,尽管在技术上被重新加热,但鸡肉实际上确实很嫩。我偷走了他的大量Mac和奶酪,我认为这是盘子的明星。

(您会注意到我们只是直接从托盘中吃掉它们 - 我喜欢它,因为这意味着较少的菜肴,但是您可以轻松地将用餐放在盘子上,以便更正式〜用餐时间!)

在我们的下一顿饭中,我吃了鸡肉tikka masala,里面有米饭和蔬菜,彼得吃了牛排,牛排搭配土豆泥,蔬菜和胡椒酱。Tikka鸡肉在新鲜的现场被标记为“辣”。我认为这很温和,但仍然很美味!彼得认为,牛排更像是索尔兹伯里的牛排,而不是常规的烤牛排,但绝对不好。我真的很喜欢酱汁和他的菜上土豆泥。


Who Is Freshly For?

I don’t think anyone should think of Freshly as a replacement for home cooking, because that’s really not what it is. But as a convenient option, the meals are all great quality and do pack a surprising amount of flavor! It was great to not have to worry about cooking or planning our meals a few times in a week. I could definitely see us ordering it again as an alternative to takeout, as it’s both healthier and more affordable than most restaurant options. Plus, it offers a lot of the same options I’d go for on Seamless (namely chicken tikka), and you don’t have to wait for it to be delivered when you’re hungry!

While I firmly believe shared meals are sacred,新鲜is a great lunch option for busy workdays, or a good, healthy break when you’re super sick of cooking. And I’d definitely recommend it to college students living in dorms or anyone else who doesn’t have access to a full kitchen, or to anyone who doesn’t enjoy cooking but wants to add healthier options and more variety to their diet.

谢谢至新鲜for sponsoring this article. Check it outhere,并且不要忘记使用我们的代码启动15,以便您的前四个订单(每订单15美元)享受60美元的折扣!

Holly is TFD’s Head of Content. Find her on Instagramhere


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