Climbing The Ladder

最糟糕的女孩Bossy MLM短语,排名

经过 | 2021年3月18日,星期四

Girlboss MLMs are a breeding ground for “Yas queen, slay” business advice, defending themselves against valid arguments with sass and gaslighting. Aka, Sass-lighting…


My browser was then redirected to a site calledMonat.

当时,我不熟悉Monat,或者那是一个multilevel marketing company (MLM).Based on the creator’s rhetoric, I thought the company was her actual business and that she was selling products developed in a lab. I quickly deduced that Monat was another MLM hiding behind phrases like “social selling” and “direct sales” allowing for optimistic, determined people to believe they were girlboss entrepreneurs and goal-diggers. (Slay, mama.)

Since learning about girl power-forward MLMs, I’ve become intrigued by the culture as a whole, from their cult-like tactics to recruit new team members toex-huns’ “getting out” stories. As an engaged spectator and Instagram follower of a Monat seller, their stories and posts about the company make it into my feed. Typically it’s harmless, albeit fatiguing, dedication posts to the company, their teams, and new flash sales. But in between the ‘girlboss’ reels and吐司趋势, members will upload clips from team trainings, reshare Instagram lives with uplines, post original content about why Monat is such a great opportunity, and share mostly surface-level advice on turning a side hustle into financial freedom. Which, at first blush, isn’t too alarming.

But after some reflecting and examination, the rhetoric spewed by MLM huns is no different than the toxic rhetoric and messaging used by girlboss-pandering companies that we’re beginning to tear down. Both groups are making their money fromcorporate feminism或粉红色的资本主义包装。每个人都通过操纵策略,潮流的行话和抱负广告为员工提供培养。两组都在拖拉女人的需要并为家人提供值得的人。它们是“ Yas Queen,Slay”业务建议的繁殖地,捍卫了自己的有效论据,并具有弹性和燃气。又名,灯光。

这些是我在“ Girlboss”文化和MLM的世界中发现最有毒和普遍的四个短语。

4. “If your loved ones don’t support your business, they don’t support you.”

Eyeroll评分:1 out of 2 eyes

它的条件信念以及为什么有害:In the regular world, this advice can help. But in the MLM world, this is an isolation tactic. Pointing out flawed business practices or inquiring about a business model’s health isn’t a sign of disloyalty. Based on some“出去”的故事I’ve watched on YouTube, MLM sellers are encouraged to block and disassociate themselves with nay-sayers and even people who leave the MLM. You’re encouraged to remain in an echo chamber of fellow “boss babes” who are drinking the same Kool-Aid and won’t challenge any harmful practices. This is why MLMs and hustle culture-obsessed employers feel like a cult.

What I wish we normalized instead:显然,如果将其用作一种策略,则该实用程序是要隔离和操纵。但是,在心理虐待没有发挥作用的情况下(至少不是故意的),我们应该设定对关系具有多维性的期望。健康的对话和冲突沟通应成为任何关系基础的一部分。进步正在朝着用应对机制和工具赋予他人权力,以有效地交流挫败感。





Finally, can you imagine your friend coming to you and informing you that she didn’t get the job offer and you looking at her, offering, “You just didn’t want it bad enough.” If a parent wants to go back to school for a higher degree but isn’t sure how they’ll balance parenthood with schoolwork, are you going to call their apprehension an excuse?

What I wish we normalized instead:“尽管您遇到了挫折,但仍与您所做的辛勤工作保持一致。”这种建议和消息传递承认了生活的起伏。它不会美化完美或悬而未决的想法,即如果您可以实现无瑕疵的生活you just want it bad enough.朋友没有找到工作?尽管您遇到了挫折,但仍与面试和申请的辛勤工作保持一致。父母想上学,但不确定如何使它起作用?时间安排现在可能是一个挫折,但是让我们重点关注可以采取的步骤或可以使用的资源来使您的日程安排更加灵活。

2. “If you have time to scroll, you have time to start a business.”



Also, this reduces the challenges of business ownership to merely having time and drive. Two important things, but skimming through nuances of entrepreneurship is dangerous. In addition to giving advice on “how to be your own sugar daddy,” also advise taxes, pay contractors, and protect your business. You can have time and drive, but you also need capital, a business development plan, and KPIs to start.

最后,并不是每个人都想成为一名企业家。In a capitalist country, it’s not shocking that we glamourize a lifestyle of busy schedules and make deals while in Louboutins, but why are we encouraging young adults to strive for a life where success is being too busy sit with yourself and your phone for 20 minutes?

What I wish we normalized instead:Rest. I wish we normalized the idea of taking breaks, hydrating our spirit, and not waiting until we crash into a wall to get the help we needed. We should evolve past the point of condemning people for not being “on” 24/7. The success of your life cannot be dismantled in a thirty-minute sitting of a television show.

1. “Just put the money [to invest in inventory / join an MLM] on the credit card.”


I don’t think I need to explain why this is toxic, but here goes…

Eyeroll评分:3 out of 2. Even my third eye is rolling.


What I wish we normalized instead:Small business grants and financial resources should be more prevalent in our country. I’ve always found it tragically poetic that in a country where “anyone can become rich,” you must first be a slave to debt.

除了更多的资源外,我还希望看到对话涉及财富管理以及如何投资您的责任。(嗨,金融yabo88 app饮食团队!感谢您的辛勤工作。)虽然大多数人无法与刮一起筹集资金加入传销的斗争,但大多数人都承担了债务负担。政治上,我希望看到学生债务已被完全取消。但是,与此同时,financial literacy courses在整个州逐渐变得越来越普遍。我们没有告诉某人“赚更多的钱”,让我们演示并为他们配备适当的教育,工具和指导。


最终,如果我们在范围内看待它,我对MLM Huns的感受最接近同理心。作为一个失去了与MLMS的休闲友谊的人,我相信大多数卖家都是善意的人。他们是一项业务策略的受害者,该策略捕捉脆弱性和您可以拥有的所有想法,而这四个短语被用作诱饵来捕捉他们可以吞噬的诱饵。

Jazmine Reed-Clark, a career coach, writer, and podcast host of the podcast办公室政治.




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