

经过 | 2021年1月13日,星期三

在一月份,我们正在探索如何充满意图生活 - 从长远来看,我们每天做出的小选择如何影响我们的生活和幸福。点击hereto read more on this topic!


Debt has become so “normal” in our society that many people don’t view it as a problem. Many of us feel that debt is necessary, or even good, in certain situations, when really, no debt isgood debt。这是11个谎言,您可能会告诉自己,使您承担债务。




2. “I don’t need an emergency fund. I have credit cards for emergencies.”

Yes, you do need an紧急基金。Unlike credit cards, your emergency fund is not a loan. It doesn’t charge you interest or ridiculous fees. Your emergency fund won’t put you in debt. Credit cards are sneaky — between interest and hidden fees, you can end up paying much more than you originally charged on the card.

3. “I got a new job or a promotion and I have to dress the part.”

Lifestyle inflationis a problem for many people who get a new job, big raise, or fancy promotion. Our first instinct is often to upgrade our lifestyles. Unfortunately, many of us can’t actually afford to do so and end up taking on more debt. We buy new cars, bigger homes, or designer clothes — sometimes to impress people who couldn’t care less what we buy. Even though your income went up, you don’t need to increase your expenses. How about using that extra income to pay off debt or build savings instead?

4. “It costs money to get out of debt — money that I有。”

普遍的误解是,债务合并或正式债务减免是摆脱债务的唯一方法,这根本不是事实。尽管这些选项可用(是的,它们通常会带来代价来支付帮助您的人),但它们并不是您唯一的债务选择。更加有意地对您的花费(也不花费),即使以最小的方式也可以帮助减轻您的财务负担很多。这可能包括保留冲动日记和跟踪器on hand, using a电子表格以跟踪成本和费用, etc. Once you start taking these no-cost steps towards better tracking your funds, you may find that you do, in fact, “have money,” you just failed to use it efficiently until now. You may even use that money towards getting help to eliminate your debt. Either way, at the end of the day, you无法管理what you措施。

5. “If I’m too frugal, I won’t have any fun or joy in my life.”

There is a common misconception that frugal people don’t have any fun. This couldn’t be further from the truth — some of the most fun people are quite frugal. There are many fun things that can be done for free or a low cost, such as free yoga classes, hiking, swimming, playing board games, watching movies, and going to free festivals.

6. “My situation isn’tthatbad.”

I recently talked to a couple who had to charge their dog’s emergency vet visit on a credit card. I suggested that they put more money in savings so that they would be better prepared next time and wouldn’t have to charge it. The wife’s response was “It’s notthatbad.” The couple had recently paid off $75,000 of credit card debt, so they felt taking on $200 of credit card debt was nothing compared to the massive amount they had faced in the past. This couple charges every emergency to a credit card, and they will never be debt-free. Stop living in denial and face the truth: if you haveanydebt, you have a problem.

7. “My situation is hopeless.”


与他人接触,寻求建议(来自那些实际知道他们在说什么的人),并尽力增加收入并大幅度削减费用。您并不孤单地在战斗中摆脱债务。还有许多其他人去过那里 - 在您看似绝望的情况下,他们也能够摆脱债务,您也可以。

8. “I’m a victim.”


There’s no point in blaming others, avoiding paying off your debt, and hoping it will magically disappear. The first step to getting out of debt is to take responsibility for your mistakes. Once you achieve this first step, you can begin to formulate a plan to get out of debt.

9. “I don’t make enough money.”

多做一些。尽一切努力增加收入 - 找到更好的工作,要求加薪,找副工作,创业或出租房屋房间。有很多possibilities如果您愿意寻找它们,在那里。


You don’t “deserve” to spend money you don’t really have. You deserve to get out of debt and attain financial freedom.

11. “I know so-and-so got out of debt, but I can’t do what they did.”


You just need to get creative. Find every way you can think of to scrimp and save. Stop going to restaurants, bars, and shopping malls. Move to a cheaper apartment. Get a bunch of roommates. Stop paying for services you don’t need or use.



You can get out of debt if you’re willing to put in the work. Paying off debt is difficult, but the formula is simple: earn more, spend less. If you’ve got the saving part down already, you need to focus on increasing your income. Once you manage that, you can get started on the road to debt freedom. It’s not easy, but it is absolutely worth it.



Image viaUnplash

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