

经过 | 2021年4月16日,星期五

I’ve fallen into a pattern of laziness. Definitely over the past few months, since I started working out of the house from 9-4 PM, but even more so in the last week, since I’ve felt a little extra broke (thanks for needing an expensive surgery, Gaston!) and a little sad. I used to pack my schedule full of fun and productive activities to complete outside of work. I had hobbies, I met friends for drinks and coffee, I planned day trips with my friends and family, I did projects around my house — but all of that seems to have come to a halt. I’ve spent a good amount of my time recently sulking, resting, and “self-care”-ing — but not in a good way. My self-care, while maybe necessary while my dog was in the hospital and I was a nervous wreck, hasn’t felt productive, and has possibly made me feel worse. Allowing myself to come home from work at 4 PM, skip dinner, and go straight to curling up under a blanket in front of the TV would have maybe been sweet and helpful if I did it for a day. But we’re coming on two weeks now, and I’m feeling sapped of all energy and motivation.

这可能不仅仅是为我的狗难过。Things like this are normally the result of a snowball effect, when all of the things that have been stressing you come to a head and make you check out and resign to the couch, where you’ll comfortably sit contemplating every thought in your head (besides the ones that motivate you to actually某物。)。那就是我的身份。而且我不会说这是抑郁症的任何东西,只是我让“如果”的压力使我的思想蒙上了我的想法,并进行了一个小的(但非常真实的!)的旅程。


Now, though, I am realizing that in times of stress, sadness, and laziness, it is所以最好让自己至少做某物比坐着什么都不做。当我觉得自己在放克时,我决定编译一份小列表,找不到可以将自己从中摆脱出来的事情。

Here are 13 small-but-productive things to do tonight, instead of sitting on the couch and doing nothing. (Not that a good nap isn’t有时the answer.)


One for short-term goals, and one for long-term goals. Make them look pretty. Hang them where you’ll look at them often. Maybe you’re notaccomplishinga goal tonight, but planning is the first step.

2. Bake something special and nostalgic and autumnal.


3. Watch something inspiring or educational.

如果您在精神和身体上精疲力尽,也许您need the type of self-care that plops you on the couch in front of the TV. But you don’t need to watch 15 mindlessGilmore Girls重播。(Or do you?) You can make it a learning experience by watching a new documentary on a topic you don’t know much about, or a movie that will inspire you to do something you’ve been meaning to do, and learn something new during your night on the couch.




Fridays are awesome, but the worst part of them is the morning/early afternoon when you have to still pretend to be in work-mode. Knock something off of your regular Friday to-do list earlier in the week, and Friday you will be thanking Tuesday you.

6. Dig out the remnants of your old favorite hobby that you’ve given up in all of your busyness.

For me, it is painting. For my boyfriend, it is a card game. For you, it might be针织, or cooking, or woodworking, or some sort of art project. Pull out your supplies, look through them, organize them a bit, and maybe even get a little inspired to pick it up again.

7. Do that one really random, little thing that you’ve been too lazy to do.

For me, it is walking down to the dumpster with a pot of herbs in my window that died over a month ago. It just looks so重的垃圾箱是如此远的that every time I’ve decided to do it, I decided not to a second later. I think if Drew hears me say “I have to throw away that plant” one more time without me实际上这样做,他会把我留给一个随后的女人。


风景最小的变化可能会巨大影响您。如果有强度,请将沙发或床放在房间的另一侧,看看感觉如何。如果那是太多的工作(对我来说太多了),请尝试将灯与您的灯交换盆栽, or putting a candle on a different end table, or rearranging framed pictures on a different shelf. I switched a decorative vase of lighted sticks to the other side of my entertainment center a few days ago, and weirdly enough, it has given the room an entirely different energy.






You know what they say about exercise and endorphins and not shooting your husband. (But in all seriousness, it will probably make you feel happier.)


(对我来说,这是一个素食螺旋形— sorry, noodle-shaped zucchini isn’t spaghetti.) It puts you in a creative mood, adds something new to your meal rotation, and you’ll get dinner at the end of it.


And I’m not saying “eat when you’re bored” or “eat when you’re not at all hungry,” but sometimes when you just feel like shit, eating isn’t on your radar, even though it is one of the things that really might make you feel better. Every time I wake up crabby and lethargic from a nap or find myself feeling grumpy and sad for no reason at all midday, eating a granola bar always brings me back to life. Eating almost always helps. (So does drinking water — but you already knew that. Drink more water, seriously.)


Image viaUnplash

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